Spitfire 2018 Delivers on All Levels


Amit Bachani, Editor

Organized by Mrs. Lanza, Ms. Quinn, and Mrs. Richardson and hosted by seniors Maha Khan and Cameron Schwarz, Spitfire showcased a number of powerhouse performances that were received well by all attendees. From bold renditions of Asian American struggles (Anna Ma’s “I See Nothing”) to fresh and entertaining twists on famous rap music (Alex Epstein’s “Roll in Peace – Remix”), each individual piece was an insightful and pleasant treat for all.

Anna Ma delivers her original poem “I See Nothing”

Senior Anna Ma spoke with the Patriot Press in great detail regarding her intent in composing the message of her poem, “I See Nothing,” as well as what made 2018’s Spitfire Township’s finest yet. “My piece takes a lot from my own experiences and those of other Asian-Americans, including my family. I wanted to write for those that are ignorant of what we can through, and those who need to have their narratives heard,” Ma said. “It’s not common to hear about this kind of issue.”

Sharing her perspective on the overall atmosphere of the Spitfire and what she wanted students to take away from their initial viewing experience, she described the notable acceptance of discussion between writers as to what messages they wanted to share.“Last year there was a lot of tension and a lot of focus on how much you could disagree with a piece. This year, I want everyone to watch the show knowing that it’s okay to disagree, and that it’s not the point to argue,” Ma commented. “We want to get our ideas out there, and stirring conversation and making people think is the main point.”

Additionally, host Maha Khan shared her experience co-hosting with Senior Cameron Schwarz, as well as performing with him renowned poet Nikki Giovanni’s “Woman,” describing the empowerment she felt when she read the poem. Given the significance of the woman’s departure from the standard norm, the eventual decision for her to embrace her individuality is one of the brightest narratives a poet can detail, and poems with a unique emphasis on such themes certainly inspired many!

“By the end, the woman becomes a symbol of independence and finds her own strength because she realizes she is a woman and she doesn’t need a man’s support to be one. This poem is inspirational because Giovanni wrote during a time when women were challenging gender roles and establishing their place in society,” Khan said. “To me, this poem was especially important because women’s empowerment is a cause I’m very passionate about and advocate for as much as I can.”  

In regards to this year’s event, she said, “I hope this year audience’s learned that poetry comes in all forms and with various meanings whether they are personal or political. I hope everyone was inspired to write or seek out powerful poems that relate to issues they are passionate about or simply beautiful poems that speak to their souls.”

Overall, this year’s Spitfire was well executed and enjoyed by all.

With that said, check out all the performances here!