October Fun at FTHS
October 11, 2017
As October comes around every year, people anticipate the season to come. The month is spent preparing for fall and for Halloween at the end of the month. But, if you are a student at Freehold Township, you know that there’s a lot more to look forward in the month of October than just change of weather, pumpkin picking and Halloween.
The month starts off with students signing up for FTHS’ beloved Battle of the Classes. Voting for BOTC teams and for each grades’ homecoming court are available on naviance this month as well. You just sign into your account and can vote for a team to represent your grade at BOTC and vote to pick a boy and a girl to represent each grade at Homecoming.
Speaking of homecoming, homecoming week takes place on Monday, October 23rd until Friday, October 27th. Wednesday the 25th is the homecoming dance. All students are encouraged to attend for a great start to the year, to have a fun night and also to hear the BOTC teams be announced! Friday the 27th is the big day. A pep rally is held during the school day to hype everyone up for the night ahead of them. Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior Homecoming prince and princesses’ are announced here. The Senior court is also announced, yet the King and Queen are announced later at the game. After school, is the tailgate where all students are welcomed to hangout and eat some food from Student Government’s barbeque. Then, the game follows as the whole school is expected to pack the bleachers. This years theme for the game is a blackout so buy your shirts now!

Following Homecoming on that Monday, the 30th, is Haunted High School. This is another annual event held at FTHS. Different clubs and organizations from the school come together to create different treats and activities in different rooms of the school. Then, children from the community come to “trick-or-treat” in the different rooms. It’s a great event to be involved in or even attend with any younger siblings or family members!
No better way to welcome the festive holiday seasons approaching us than participate in all the events FTHS has to offer this month!