Want to Write or Edit for the Patriot Press?


Do you enjoy reading the Patriot Press?  Would you like to be a part of the staff that helps make it so great?

Applications for the 2016-2017 school year are now being accepted for all positions!

Writers: Responsible for writing two stories per month and attending monthly staff meetings.  Remember, articles come in all forms, so if “writing” isn’t your thing, there’s always a need for interviews, surveys, and other types of articles that don’t require you to be Shakespeare.

Editors: Responsible for three stories per month and attending weekly editorial meetings.  Editors must be willing to attend school events, come up with article ideas, and manage staff meetings.  (Freshmen and Sophomores Needed!)

Stop by C100 and grab an application from Mr. DiGiuseppe.

**Return any and all applications to Mr. DiGiuseppe in C100 ASAP!