Ms Kropa by Adam Killeen

Adam Killeen

“A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though awakens your own expectations.”

Mrs. Kropa was my chemistry teacher sophomore year and she really opened my eyes to science. Her style of teaching, and going around the room to actually help and explain what is going on to each and every student. She made it very easy for me to do well in that class and she made me actually want to come into school everyday. She made me realize I’m meant for chemistry. I came into sophomore year with a rough first year in Biology and I did not like science one bit. Mrs. Kropa changed that for me. I enjoyed doing labs, I enjoyed doing homework. And now my senior year I decided I’m going into college to get my bachelors degree in chemistry and work for my grandpa who owns a chemistry based company SCI(Selective Coatings and Inks). If I never had Mrs. Kropa as a teacher for chemistry i would probably be clueless on what I want to do in my life. But now i feel I’m destined for the chemistry world all because of Mrs. Kropa. The quote “A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though awakens your own expectations” fits Mrs. Kropa very well because she opened my eyes and made me realize I can do chemistry like I can make it my career if I put forward the effort.