Check out all the performances from Bring It On!

March 24, 2016
The Patriot Players proudly presented their long awaited musical, Bring It On, on March 17th through the 19th. With killer vocals and surprising stunts, the audience of every show was blown away.
Maggie Barillka and Leah Waldron took on the main characters Campbell and Danielle (respectively) and slayed everybody’s existence. The duo brought the music and plot to life with the help of all of their fellow actors and stage/set crew.
“It was an absolute dream come true to get on stage and pour my heart and soul into a such an amazing character,” says Junior Claire Studer, who took on the role of Eva for the matinee performance.
Check out all the performances here!
Act 1
“Born to Do” [wpdevart_youtube]zdVZ7MZQl2Y[/wpdevart_youtube]
“One Perfect Moment” [wpdevart_youtube]qcvIqDJ6ICM[/wpdevart_youtube]
“Do Your Own Thing” [wpdevart_youtube]Vje3UQTXrys[/wpdevart_youtube]
“We Ain’t No Cheerleaders” with Nina [wpdevart_youtube]JetW72kg0XI[/wpdevart_youtube]
“We Ain’t No Cheerleaders” with Leah [wpdevart_youtube]EK-lKoXP0Vc[/wpdevart_youtube]
“Friday Night Jackson” [wpdevart_youtube]U4JvJFPXK7k[/wpdevart_youtube]
“Bring It On” [wpdevart_youtube]Rv_vWct7eaQ[/wpdevart_youtube]
Act II
“It’s All Happening” [wpdevart_youtube]YLU340krwoQ[/wpdevart_youtube]
“It Ain’t No Thing” [wpdevart_youtube]bhFttZbv8DE[/wpdevart_youtube]
“Killer Instinct” [wpdevart_youtube]zhA_eSjoEEE[/wpdevart_youtube]
“Legendary” [wpdevart_youtube]XUQOjxjsTDo[/wpdevart_youtube]
“Cross the Line” [wpdevart_youtube]XEVUD5O4X3g[/wpdevart_youtube]
“I Got You” [wpdevart_youtube]vkNs7E2__sw[/wpdevart_youtube]