11 Best Instagram Accounts to Follow

October 7, 2015
One of the best ways to pass time or look like your busy when you’re alone in a crowded room is to scroll through Instagram. A typical user’s feed would consist of selfies and pictures of strategically placed food items, but there are better accounts out there to spice up anybody’s feed. Other than user @dogstakingdumps which most people find to be disgusting, there are 11 exceptionally entertaining accounts that are an essential to spice up an Instagram feed.
1. @kanyedancingtoo
You don’t necessarily have to be a Kanye fan to enjoy this account. Basically, it is the same video of Kanye West dancing at the 2015 VMA’s 15 times over, with an eclectic range of background music. This account was wildly popular on twitter for a while, but having Kanye dance on your Instagram feed makes it even funnier.
2. @cybersavage
With over 651k followers, the Instagram user that goes by “cyber savage” knows how to keep her audience entertained. It is a variety of pictures, mostly of peoples hilarious tweets, spread all over the account. It is mostly “pop culture” type humor, which most high school students would enjoy.

3. @marniethedog
Marnie is a 12 year old Shih Tzu that was adopted at the age of 10, and is just plain adorable. Her tongue hangs out of the side of her mouth and she waddles like a tiny, fuzzy penguin. Her owner documents her extraordinary life as a lively, wide eyed dog. Marnie has become quite the internet sensation, racking up close to 1.8 million followers on her account.
4. @textsfromyourex
Anyone in need of a good laugh is sure to appreciate this Instagram. It is filled with hilarious text messages submitted by regular people from their exes. Obviously hearts were broken, and things were left unsaid, eventually leading to this amusing collection of posts.
5. @tumblrsfunnies
Tumblr is already a funny site, but this Instagram is a collection of all the funniest posts directly from Tumblr. You can enjoy the pleasure of reading and laughing at text posts and pictures, without having to rummage through all of Tumblr’ s fandom “creativity”.
6. @trevso_electric
This user is one of the few very funny people on Instagram that only posts his original content. After seeing the same joke over and over again, it starts to lose its comedic appeal, but following a user that only posts his own comedic genius helps it never lose value.
7. @satiregram
This account is perfect for anyone with a sarcastic sense of humor. In short, the account is a bunch of pictures that basically just describe a typical person’s Instagram posts. Literally. It’s just a bunch of pictures of writing. And it’s absolutely hilarious if you know how annoying the typical Instagram posts can get.
8. @passengershaming
Being on a plane is annoying and stressful enough, but the people that surround you may be the worst part. You never know what you’re going to get, and that’s pretty scary. This account is dedicated to calling out passengers on planes that are just down right rude and disgusting. Some of the posts are absolutely shocking to anyone who is a decent human being. All the pictures are submitted by other passengers and flight attends that want to show the world just what they are dealing with.

9. @kidsaretheworst
The thought of having to deal with annoying kids is enough to make anyone cringe. To see the destruction that children cause without actually having to deal with it is actually pretty funny.
10. @kanyedoingthings
Another Kanye one, but it’s worth it. Kanye West is not one to show emotion, so looking at pictures of him doing things is quite interesting. There are also pictures on the account of him smiling, which is rare and only happens in 1 in 100,000 Kanyes. Again, you don’t necessarily have to be a fan of Kanye to laugh at and enjoy this Instagram, so it is well worth the follow.
11. @fthspatriotpress
This one is a no brainer. To be constantly updated on all things FTHS, the Patriot Press Instagram is an account you want to follow. The account is run by junior John Ross, who keeps it vibrant and up-to-date. See all your friends, peers, and even yourself enjoying time at FTHS.