@TownshipScores Boosts School Pride

September 30, 2015
James Pezzullo, more affectionately known as “the voice of Freehold Township”, had earned his right to the title in more ways than one. He hypes the bleacher creatures up at every home game in the Patriot costume, radiating a positive up-beat energy. He manages the boys basketball team, also. But his biggest voice comes from his widely popular Twitter account, @TownshipScores.
Through this Twitter account, Pezzullo updates the students (and tech savvy staff) of Township on the latest sports news, scores, and note-worthy plays. Ask any Twitter using student (which is pretty much all of them) about any of the sports games and there is a 99% chance they will be able to relay information about the game, without ever being there. This is all thanks to Pezzullo’s dedication to not only his Twitter, but the school itself.
When asked why he started the page in the first place, he says, “Freehold Township means everything to me. It’s given me all that I have in the world, and I try to do everything I can to give back to all the wonderful people that make up this community. Township Scores started out as just a way to recognize the athletes and their accomplishments, but it grew and grew and now it’s become a passion of mine to keep the school updated on everything that’s going on.”
The school spirit that radiates off of him has had an effect on FTHS in general, boosting morale, and getting everybody excited for not only football games, but other sports as well. It is not typical for school’s sports teams like field hockey, lacrosse, etc. to get tons of support from the student body, but Pezzullo has made it a point that all sports should be recognized and supported, and his peers are listening.
With well over one thousand followers on Twitter, Pezzullo works hard to update each and every fan with the many events that go on at Township. “What inspires me to keep going is simply the thanks and appreciation I get from the school community, and that’s all I’ve ever asked for.” He adds, expressing why he is so good at what he does.
Junior Sam Donlon agrees that @TownshipScores is a vital component of student life. “Without TownshipScores, there would not be as much school spirit and pride as there is.”
Pezzullo’s Twitter TownshipScores has given a new meaning to Patriot Pride, not only to himself, but the entire student body.