On December 19, twenty-six juniors were called down to the main office to receive their academic or citizenship awards for various departments with Freehold Township High School. These students were hand-picked by their teachers to be recognized as Students of the Month for the month of De
cember. When given their custom certificates and pins, the Patriot Press asked a few of them what their favorite part about their corresponding department is. Here are this month’s recipients, as well as their responses:
Academic Awards:
Animal & Botanical: Allyson Gambacorta
Art Department: Sophia Ribas
Business Department: Gianna Neron
Classical and World Languages: Alexa Pincaro
English Department: Adelaide Bertrand
“Reading all the stories”.
Family & Consumer Science: Selina Shaikh
Global Studies Magnet Program: Eli Druckman
“The people. All my friends, all my teachers, all the people in Global”.
IB Program: Gabriela Kierzkowski
Music: Bridget O’Beirne
Math: Madeline Reiser
Science: Lizi Bakradze
Social Studies: Olivia Adinolfi
“Learning about history”.
Technology: Samuel Continelli
Citizenship Awards:
Animal & Botanical: Mariah Andujar
Art Department: Caitlyn Bailey
Business Department: Gianna Aldana
English Department: Sophia Muller
Family & Consumer Science: Dominick Esposito
Global Studies Magnet Program: Jordyn Opatut
“The community”.
IB Program: Danny Lanza
“Our classes, our teachers, and the community we built together”.
Music: Bryan Rodriguez-Velasco
Math: Kaleb Shaw
Science: Holly Matthews
“I love all the teachers and I love the subject. I think I’m go into science or some[thing] math-related.
Social Studies: Jumar Irvin
Technology: Justin Storm