Tim Bertscha
October 26, 2022
Congrats to Tim Bertscha, the 2022 Homecoming King! I had the pleasure of sitting down with the soccer star at halftime during the homecoming game!
First of all, Congratulations!

– Thank you!
How do you feel about being named homecoming king?
– To be honest, I don’t really know. I think it’s really cool.
What was your initial reaction when you found out you were nominated?
– I was surprised. I didn’t think I was going to get nominated, let alone win.
What was the atmosphere like at the game tonight? Was there a lot of Patriot Pride?
– There was a ton of Patriot Pride here tonight. I’ve been to most of the football games in my four years here and I have to think this experience tops them all. The Bleacher Creatures were going crazy!
What was your favorite part about homecoming week?
– Spirit week!
Do you have a favorite day?
– I think all of the themes were really cool, but my favorite was Country vs Country Club.
Everyone knows you are on varsity soccer. Can you tell us some other activities you do at Township?
– I’m also on the varsity golf team!
We got one last question for you, Tim. Do you have anything you’d like to say to your peers as a representative of the class of 2023?
– Thank you, I guess. No really, thank you! It’s been a great four years and we just have to keep it up for a few more months. Go Pats!