Cultural Night: A Preview

Cultural Night: A Preview

Emma Spoonauer, Editor-in-Chief

In light of the cancellation of International Day, the Spanish Club chose to step up to the plate in order to fill the void left behind from such a beloved FTHS tradition. With help from the World Language department faculty as well as performers and volunteers from the student body, the Spanish Club is pleased to announce that they will be holding a Cultural Night!

During this event, attendees can expect various performances from a wide variety of Cultural backgrounds. From singing a classic Italian song, to performing a Bollywood style dance, to showing off Rhythmic Gymnastic skills (a traditionally Russian sport), the Cultural Night has it all!

Additionally, the Spanish Club is lucky enough to have Romeo’s and Chen’s Asian Bistro cater the event. A reception in the cafeteria will be held with food after all of the performances.

Here is what some executive board members from the Spanish Club have to say about this event…

Akriti Tandon: “I remember having International night in Sophomore year and saw all the seniors performing different acts and performances from cultures all around; this made me want to do the same when I was a senior as well. I got to learn so much from this event and was so sad when I heard that International night was no longer happening. I am so happy to be a part of the Spanish club and for Senora Merkel and Dr. Villarreal; especially for helping keeping this tradition alive through cultural night! Being able to perform and celebrate the diverse community that we have makes me so happy!”

Michael Marion: “Especially after the pandemic, Cultural Night will be a fantastic time for all students to embrace the diversity of their school. Being a sophomore, I have not gotten to experience some of the great events FTHS has hosted and cannot be more excited to finally participate. Thank you to all of the restaurants and performers, it’s going to be amazing!”

Demiana Ghattas: “Participating and collaborating with other board members to make cultural night a night to remember has been amazing! I think with the wonderful efforts of Mrs. Merkel and Dr. Villarreal we were able to create not only a night of fun but a night of education for everyone. We are able to learn about different cultures right here in FTHS and become more aware as well as be able to enjoy and participate with different cultures’ music, dances, and other amazing aspects. Singing something that represents the Spanish Club has also been wonderful and taught me new things about learning a song!”

So, at this point you’re probably thinking to yourself “I love the sound of this event, but when is it???” The Cultural Night will be held at FTHS, in the auditorium, from 6PM-8PM, on Thursday, March 31st. Admission is free of charge! The doors open at 5:30 so make sure you get ahead of the crowd!

The Spanish Club is very excited to see all of you there so that we can celebrate and showcase all of these fascinating different cultures!