This Week in Pop Culture News: Concerns About Psalm West, Sophie and Joe Jonas’ Short Breakup, and Olivia Jade’s Plea to USC

Emma Spoonauer, Staff Writer

Concerns About Psalm

Kim Kardashian shared a picture of her newborn son, Psalm, over social media and made many commenters worried for Psalm’s life. In the picture, Psalm is sleeping in a hat, wrapped in a blanket, and laying on thick bedding. Fans notified Kim that this sleeping arrangement could potentially be very harmful to her newborn son. One commented, “No baby is safe with sleep bolsters, bumper pads, loose blankets. We lose thousand[s] of tiny babies each year to accidental suffocation + #SIDS.” By SIDS, this commenter means Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which means an unexplained death of a healthy baby, usually occurring when the baby is in bed. Babies are prone to this when they are on soft sleeping surfaces, overheated, or sleeping on their stomach or side. Even professionals have reached out to Kim explaining the danger her son is in, but she has not responded.


Sophie and Joe’s 24 Hour Breakup

Sophie Turner revealed that her and her now husband Joe Jonas split briefly to the Sunday Times. Sophie states, “It was the worst day of our lives. For a second we both had cold feet, then 24 hours later we were both like ‘Never mind’.” This short split was right before the couple’s quick Vegas wedding. Sophie also goes on to mention how Joe helped her love herself more and helped her through her rough patches.


Khloe’s Cornrow Controversy

On a trip Khloe Kardashian recently took to Turks and Caicos, she wore her hair in cornrows. When she posted a picture of herself with this hairstyle, many were offended, accusing her of cultural appropriation. One commenter wrote, “Having a black kid doesn’t give you permission to appropriate black hair, you know. Just saying…” Although some commenters were angered by her hairdo, other’s came to her defense. One commenter stated, “Everyone saying she[‘s] not black. Why is it that we white women can’t braid our hair, but colored women can wear wigs?”


Olivia’s Plea to USC

Ever since the big college scandal, Olivia Jade has mostly stayed quiet since her parents are majorly involved in the situation. In fact, her parents could be jailed for up to 20 years. Surprising to most, according to a US Magazine source “Olivia Jade wants to go back to USC. She didn’t get officially kicked out and she is begging the school to let her back in.”. Another source adds, “She knows they won’t let her in, so she’s hoping this info[rmation] gets out. She wants to come out looking like she’s changed, learning life lessons and is growing as a person, so she for sure wants people to think she is interested in her education.”