Griswold Takes Home Medals at Paralympic Games

January 30, 2015
One of the most underrated sports Freehold Township High School has to offer is the highly talented swim team. Ranging from many different events, including the butterfly and freestyle, swimming proves to be no easy sport. Led by senior Robert Griswold, the swim team continues to succeed all throughout the County, the District and even the State.
Robert even got selected to compete as part of the USA Paralympics Swimming Team in the 2014 Croatian Open, which was held in Split, Croatia from May 7th-12th.
During the meet Robert competed in seven events and ended up winning three gold medals, three silver medals and one bronze medal.
Robert says, “It was an honor to represent Team USA in Croatia. We actually stayed at a resort just outside of town, which was really cool!” He continues to explain how grateful he is to compete at such high level meets after battling through numerous setbacks and obstacles dealing with his knees.
Even as a child Robert gravitated towards the pool, due to his disability in his knees. “When I was little I was constantly teased because I couldn’t run as fast and walked a little differently than everyone else. Swimming allowed me to be a little more like everyone else since it hid my disability for the most part.”
He has been swimming competitively since the age of nine years old; as he explains, “swimming means the world to me.” Through an excessive amount of hard work and dedication, he has set multiple American records. Primarily competing in the freestyle, the backstroke and the IM, he set records in the 100 IM, the 50 butterfly and the 400IM.
Robert’s next major meet is the World Championship trials from March 20th -22nd, in which he hopes to qualify for the 2015 World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland.
Freehold Township is proud to say Robert is one of the best male swimmers in school history, and he proves nothing is impossible if you work for it.