Mr. FTHS Candidate Profile: Ryan Garze


Name: Ryan Garze

Nickname: Big Garz


Why do you want to be in Mr. FTHS?
I want to be in Mr. FTHS because I want to show my parents that I am not a failure…just jokin. I want to be the man of the school.


What does Freehold Township HS mean to you?

It means a lot. It is a family because all my friends and the nice teachers got me through my four years.


What clubs/activities/hobbies are you involved with at FTHS or outside of FTHS?

I have been in the Challenger program for four years, and I also play baseball and used to play hockey for Township.


How would you describe yourself?

There are many words that I say describe me, but I would say I am very outgoing, funny, dedicated, energetic, and optimistic because no one should be sad.


Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you think you have what it takes to be Mr. FTHS?

I would say my good looks, but I would rate myself a 7/10 at the least. But I think it is my huge triceps and my energy that everyone falls for.


Who is your favorite person and why?

I would say my favorite person has to be Mr. Mopsick. He’s not only the greatest teacher, but the most relatable.


What do you love most about FTHS?

The diversity and how everyone is from different towns, but somehow we all get along.


Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

I see myself working for the company Dunder Mifflin next to Dwight K. Schrute under the boss of Michael Scott.


Describe your ideal date?

Depending on the season, either making gingerbread houses and drinking eggnog, or in the summer tanning with my girlfriend while drinking non-alcoholic beverages.


What is your passion in life?

My passion is gaming, anything with video games. One day I will play professional Call of Duty on the main stage and get signed to a team.