Talking Dead with Pedro: 8.1


Pedro Vasquez, Staff Writer

Welcome back to the second edition of Talking Dead with Pedro! I will be reviewing the season premiere of season eight of AMC’s hit TV series, “The Walking Dead.” After the summary of the episode, I will introduce the ranking system of each episode based on famous character’s popularity within the season. Season eight began with a shot of Rick and his army looking over the Hilltop scouting for Saviors. Rick uses his leadership skills to unite the people of Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom to give another life-lesson speech about the bigger world. The awkward relationship between Dwight and Daryl returns, but this time they are communicating through paper messages on arrows shot between each other. Rick pays his respects to the fallen Glenn, Abraham, and Sasha as the remains of their bodies are buried at Hilltop. A new and confusing scene follows as we see shots of a cane, flowers, a watch, and a dream featuring old man Rick.

Carl goes out to scavenge some gas, as he stumbles upon a stranger asking for food. Rick quickly comes up from behind and shoots his gun at the sky as a warning for the stranger to leave. Rick confronts Carl about the issue,  telling him he was late to the pick-up zone and should remain focused at all times. An unlucky Savior on a tree platform gets picked off and Rick crosses the guard off of the list of guards surrounding the Sanctuary. Next is a neighborhood guard and store lookout who also gets sniped by Rick. Thirty minutes go by until they roll out to the Sanctuary, as Rick says goodbye to Carl, his loving and caring girlfriend, Michonne, and an already grown up baby Judith. Carl wanted to come along, but due to his young age, Rick wouldn’t allow it. Rick ambushes another guard’s watch as he gets picked off by him. Somehow still alive, the Savior’s last sentence was that Rick’s boy is going to die. As a response, Rick uses his axe to chop off a walker trap and a walker falls on top of the savior as he meets his demise.   

As Rick and company start to roll out to battle, everyone—new and old characters—within the show is ready for the ‘All Out War!’ A few members Rick’s team is on a highway. Tara begins counting down for something to happen. Tara appeared confused when her countdown went wrong. They were just too early as a hoard of walkers begin piling up the highway! To attract more of the undead, the group planted explosives in abandoned cars destined to blow up. Rick and company set up more traps for the Saviors, and even more guards get sniped by our favorite leader. Rick, soldiers from Hilltop, and Kingdom finally arrive at the Sanctuary and begin shooting their guns in the air as a sign that they arrived. Negan responds by opening the entrance door and claims that he was in a meeting.

More shots of old man Rick are woven into this episode, and they get more and more confusing each time. Old man Rick is greeted by Michonne who looks the same as they have breakfast together. Back to reality, Negan wishes for the safety of his people. Rick acknowledges Negan’s carelessness for his men and delivers a speech on how the Saviors should surrender for another chance at survival, but no one gives in. Negan thinks that for once, Rick is making a fair deal since Rick “doesn’t have the numbers.” Simon (Negan’s right hand man) leaves the battlefield to go back inside and fetch something for Negan. Simon reintroduces Gregory (Hilltop’s first leader) to everyone as he claims Gregory joined the Saviors! Gregory informs Rick and company that Hilltop no longer stands with Rick and his people as they are now Saviors! If they do not abide to by Negan’s orders, then they will not live in Hilltop anymore.  The Hilltop community denies Gregory’s order as they only follow Maggie and considers her as the true Hilltop leader. Rick begins a countdown until Negan and the Saviors have to make a choice to join them or die. On the count of 7, Rick opened fired on the Saviors!

Rick’s army followed Rick into battle as they also opened fired on the Saviors. As the defenseless Saviors retreated, the undead army lead by Tara, Daryl, Morgan and Carol found their way in the Savior’s Sanctuary! Rick and his army began retreating as the walkers start roaming the battlefield and Saviors begin defending themselves from the invasion. Daryl is seen setting more charges and rigging them to explode and Rick uses that as his advantage to blow up the RV. Negan is shot in the leg while Rick has a clear shot at him, but Father Gabriel wishes for them to leave immediately due to the walker invasion, which is spiraling out of control. Rick refuses but finally gives in when Gabriel says “It’s not about you.” More and more walkers show up at the Sanctuary, but Gabriel sees a defenseless Gregory. Due to Gabriel’s good nature, he helped out Gregory, but Gregory takes Gabriel’s assistance as an advantage to steal a car and escape like a coward and leave Father Gabriel to die—a good deed left unpunished—for now.

Carl is back at the gas station where he met the stranger and leaves canned goods for him with a note that says, “Sorry.” The guy is seen looking over the woods in shock as he sees a kid doing a good deed—maybe he’ll be a significant character later on. Rick talks to Daryl about how he has the guts to go back and make sure Father Gabriel gets out alive. Now, they all know they have to go back and get him if he’s still alive.

As walkers surround the Sanctuary, Gabriel fights them off and attempts to escape in an RV that has not been blown up, and stops to catch his breath. Without thinking anyone is inside with him, Gabriel was shocked as he heard Negan’s voice asking him if he has his “pooping pants” on? As Gabriel asks what the random voice just said, Negan comes out of darkness with his trusted barbwired baseball bat Lucille, and repeats what he said: “Do you have your pooping pants on?” Next, a fearful Gabriel and Negan stand side by side while walkers surround the RV as they smell human flesh inside. In Rick’s fantasy, Judith seems about five years old and she knows how to talk, too! Judith asks her father if he’s ready for the party, but Rick seemed confused by the question. Judith then told her father to look outside and what they see is the entire Alexandria family working together, everything and everyone so peaceful working together on the grounds making Alexandria a harmonious community. The scene ends with Rick shedding a tear before flipping back to reality where Rick is delivering a speech to the Kingdom, Hilltop, and Alexandria about how they all won this war!

Overall, this episode was pretty average. Nothing too special besides the beginning of the ‘All Out War’ and pretty good character development for Gregory and Father Gabriel. As I mentioned earlier, I’m introducing a new review system for each episode based on the popularity of characters from the show. The order goes Daryl Dixon (The best episode thus far), Glenn Rhee (Very good episode), Rick Grimes (An average episode), Gregory, the Hilltop leader (Poor episode), and Spencer and Aidan Monroe (A terrible episode). Tonight was a Rick Grimes episode. Join me next week as we discuss the following episode and also review it. This is Pedro Vasquez signing off! Ta-ta!
