Student Profile: Jake Konig

November 8, 2014
Name: Jake Konig
Grade: 11th (junior)
What is your favorite thing about FTHS?
A school is like any other platonic building found in the world, but it is the people inside which makes it so special, and that would be my favorite part about FTHS. Our school is filled with great people all focused on pursuing many different passions, making for a great atmosphere.
Are you apart of any clubs/sports?
I am a member of various sports and clubs here at FTHS. In sports, I am a goalkeeper on the men’s soccer team as well as a distance runner for both the winter and spring track team. I am a member of the Patriot Warrior Club, as well as the president of the FTHS chapter of Students Helping Honduras.
Which one is your favorite?
My favorite would have to be a toss up between track and SHH. In SHH, we work towards a project close to my heart to end extreme violence and poverty in Honduras through youth empowerment and education. I will be going on my third trip back to Honduras this upcoming winter. Also, track is my passion and I am working hard to be the best I can be and help the team as much as possible.
Who is your role model or inspiration?
I have two big role models in my life, both on and off the track. Off the track it would be my older brother Jesse, a former FTHS graduate. I know he is always going to be there for me and I can always rely on him to give me advice or make sure I’m staying on the right path. On the track, it would be a very famous runner, Steve Prefontaine. He inspires me to be the best runner I can be by using his philosophy on mental toughness. His most famous and memorable quality is his “all in” training, which has been a large reason for my success as an athlete. I try to bring his motto “to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift” into whatever I do in life.
What is the worst part of junior year?
The increase of schoolwork is for sure the worst part of junior year. It is nothing I can’t handle, but there have definitely been some late nights.
Who are some of your favorite teachers at FTHS?
Some of my favorite teachers would be Mr. Mehl, Mr. DiGiuseppe and Ms. Galinski. Along with a very fun class, I have learned so much in all of their classes. I view them more as friends that can give me some great knowledge that I can use in the real world, instead of “scary” teachers who only care about grades and not the teaching itself. I believe they are big reasons for my greater interest in m education.
What are you most excited about for next year, your senior year?
I am looking forward to spending another year with my friends and creating new memories along the way. I am also looking forward to another successful year on the track, being another year stronger and smarter and hopefully going for some school records and overall team victories.