Tobey Maguire

Beginning: In these Spider-Man series, Sam Raimi has a devastating scene of Uncle Ben’s death. Peter lies to Uncle Ben saying he needed to go to the Library but he was really going to a fight to win some money to buy a car to impress Mary Jane but that night Uncle Ben got shot by a man who hijacked his car. Peter and Aunt May grieved over Uncle Ben’s death for a long period of time. This movie also shows how Peter became Spider-Man by the radioactive spider biting him and Peter learning how to use his powers for the good of mankind (also to avenge Uncle Ben by stopping crime).

Aunt May: In the Sam Raimi films, Aunt May is older looking and always gives Peter knowledge on life (“I believe there’s a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the things we want most, even our dreams”).

Friends:  Sam Raimi has Harry Osborn as Peter’s best friend. Harry is Norman Osborn’s (famous Scientist and owns Oscorp. He also becomes the Green Goblin) son and practically protected Peter through highschool, seen mostly from Flash.

Personality: Tobey Maguire does very well as Peter Parker but doesn’t do too well as Spider-Man. Peter Parker is very nerdy and shy. Spider-Man is very funny and outgoing. Tobey succeeds more in being shy and nerdy rather than funny and outgoing.

Lover: Peter in the Sam Raimi films is head over heals for red head, Mary Jane Watson. He claims to have loved her since she moved there when they were just kids but that’s not comically accurate being that they actually met in college (Gwen Stacey too).

Flash: Flash is the bully who picks on Peter in the Sami Raimi films. He’s strong and jockey along with his friends and dates Mary Jane for a majority of the film. We don’t see too much of Flash in these movies. Also Flash is supposed to be blonde but he’s brunette instead.

Suits: Peter Parker makes his own suit in these films. It’s not a fancy suit, just something to hide his identity and make him look legit.

Web Development: Sam Raimi took the “web developing” a bit literal and made it so that when Peter got bit by the radioactive spider, it was within his DNA to develop this strong, fast webbing.

Internship: Peter Parker works for Dr. Conors in the Oscorp building. Dr. Conors is also Peter’s professor for science.

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Heroic Style: Sam Raimi made Peter an individual hero throughout these movies (except for the third movie when Harry tries to help for a bit but risks his life for Peter and dies). Peter always fought alone in these movies.

Villains:  Sam Raimi films had villains such as the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn), Doc Ock (Otto Octavius), the Sandman (Flint Marko), Venom (Eddie Brock), another Green Goblin (Harry Osborn- he hated Peter at first because he thought Peter killed his dad but his dad died by his own glider trying to kill Peter and Harry figured that out and it was all good).

Movie Studio: Sony had the license for this movie (from Marvel)  therefore we didn’t see other Marvel heroes such as Iron Man or other villains such as Thanos or Ultron in the movies. The heroes/ villains also didn’t share the same world. Marvel gets credits because it’s not tied to Marvel Cinematic Universe it’s just Marvel Studios.