Help a Writer– Take a Survey!

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Mustafa Sheikh, Staff Writer

Do you ever get curious? If you said no, you’re either lyin’ or an actual robot. For the former demographic, lions kill people– that ain’t cool. Why you always lyin’? For the latter, I welcome my android overlords.

For a paper I’m writing, I’ve been juggling golf balls and destroying watermelons. No, I’m not doing that, but the soporiphic phrase “for a paper I’m writing” usually causes a coma that lasts until the Jesus’s face is burnt onto a piece of toast again.

The paper is about SAT scores and their correlations to different facets of test takers’s identities, like parental education, ethnicity, PSAT experience, and parental income, against the scores scored.

I need you, yes, you, I’m looking at you! Big brother is always watching. I need you to answer this poll so I can get results for the paper.

You’re wondering right now, “why in the world would I do that?” Elementary, my dear reader, because I’ll post the results afterwards and you all can find out if FTHS’s answers reflect correlations in the national average.

Nah, that’s boring alone. You’ll get that, and I’ll stop talking about papers.


Would you kindly take the poll?


You may be asked to log into your google account if you aren’t actively logged in, I don’t know how to disable that, but the answers published will be entirely anonymous.