Mr. FTHS Candidate Profile: Matt Lowe

Name: Matt Lowe


Why do you want to be Mr. FTHS?

I want to make memories during my senior year. Mr. FTHS is a fun event where I am able to express myself.

What does Freehold Township mean to you?

Freehold Township High School is where I spend my time 30 hours a week. It is where I made new friends and experienced new things. It is my school.


What clubs/activities/hobbies are you involved with at FTHS or outside of FTHS?

I am a two year member of the Patriot Warrior Club, three year member of student government, and four year member of Free the Children. I was on the football team and I play in the Freehold Rec Basketball League.


How would you describe yourself?

I am tall with a funny personality. I enjoy meeting new people and trying new things. I am persistent and dedicated in everything I do.

Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you think you have what it takes to be Mr. FTHS.

I have been an active member in the school community, participating in clubs, sports and activities. I try to be as personable as possible and get to know as many people as I can.


Who is your favorite person and why?

Michael Scott. He is funny and always says and does what he likes, even if it is embarrassing. The office is my favorite show.

What do you love most about FTHS?

I love that the school and staff provides a fun environment where I am able to learn. I also love the chocolate chip muffins sold at lunch.


Where do you see yourself in ten years from now?

I would like to live in an apartment in NYC, not far from my job. I will live with my girlfriend and we will have a pet bird.

Describe your ideal date.

Staying home, wearing pajamas, watching a movie, eating popcorn and relaxing in the company of my date.


What is your passion in life?

I enjoy helping people and math. When I get older I want to be a biomedical engineer so I can help people and use my math skills.