Food Drive Helps Hungry Families

November 22, 2016
Freehold Township High School celebrates the Holiday season in many different ways but one of FTHS’ best ways is giving back. Every year, FTHS participates in the Students Change Hunger food drive to benefit the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean counties. Students all take charge in collecting foods to help out the less fortunate.
This year’s food drive is occurring from Wednesday November 9th until Monday, December 12th. The Octagon Club, at FTHS, is in charge of this food drive at school and they make sure everything runs smoothly. High School students bring in their items and put them in a box in their homerooms. Each homeroom choses their very own Homeroom Representative to help make sure everyone remembers to continuously donate and try to collect as much as possible.
Some of the most needed foods for this food drive are canned fish and meat, shelf stable milk, boxed meals, canned vegetables and fruit, peanut butter and canned packaged meals such as soups. But these are not the only possibilities. Other items such as instant potatoes, jelly, hot cereals, pasta, mac and cheese and stuffing are also always encouraged.
FTHS holds this food drive to be very competitive every year as well. Homerooms compete against the other homerooms in hopes of collecting the most food items. The homeroom that has the most items at the end of the food drive receives a free breakfast, courtesy of FTHS ‘s administration.
Last year, Ms.Galinski’s homeroom won after a close competition with other homerooms such as Mrs. Richardson’s homeroom. Ms.Galinski’s class collected 708 food items! When asked her opinions on Freehold Township’s food drive, Ms.Galinski exclaimed “a special thing about the food drive is that it benefits people in our community”.
Taking part in the food drive is not hard at all. Just start bringing in your canned goods and food items and you will be off to a great start!