President Obama and Leonardo DiCaprio Discuss Climate Change
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Leonardo DiCaprio, climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe, and President Barack Obama meet to discuss climate change
October 10, 2016
After a great struggle through the frozen tundra of Canada in an impeccable performance that garnered him an Academy Award in The Revenant, Leonardo DiCaprio is leading the fight in a highly crucial issue as he hopes to join President Obama’s congressional initiative to remedy climate change. President Obama, a guest star in DiCaprio’s upcoming documentary Before The Flood, aims to examine the critical issue that has sparked much parley amid the American populace. Directed by Academy Award winner Fisher Stevens, the documentary records DiCaprio’s journey as he speaks with influential figures around the world to determine a possible solution to combat the alarming rate of global climate change.
Both President Obama and Mr. DiCaprio had met Monday evening on the White House South Lawn, promoting a lengthy discussion that demonstrated a sociopolitical collaboration towards the stopping of climate change. The two were joined by Mrs. Katharine Hayhoe, a professor of atmospheric science at Texas Tech University, who also contributed to the discussion and was in attendance for the exclusive screening of DiCaprio’s documentary.
Mrs. Hayhoes’ thesis, “A Modeling Study of The Role of Methane in Global Climate Change,” examines the steps that can be taken to ensure that our actions are efficacious and promote environmental stability for future generations. She contributed to the discussion while citing her research, supporting President Obama’s views on the conservation of values and beliefs from previous generations in an effective manner. Both the President and Professor Hayhoe agreed that the preservation of values may help us discover a clean and dependable source of energy in mankind’s “accelerated race against time.”
Mr. DiCaprio, who served as a designated messenger of peace to the United Nations merely two years ago, reiterated pivotal statements mentioned in his address to world leaders in addition to discussing the importance of combating our current predicament with climate change. During a Q&A session with the President, he stated that Obama had “used the antiquities act to preserve more acres of land and sea than any president since Theodore Roosevelt,” elaborating on the importance of having a President who is aware of climate change and its peril to society. He also expressed concern of citizens electing leaders in Congress who gainsay such a critical issue, examining Senator Marco Rubio’s battle against global climate change in the Senate.
In addition to serving as a messenger to the United Nations, DiCaprio has also served as an environmental activist for many years, aiming to preserve the sanctity of nature and its inhabitants. A patron of many charitable causes, he has always sought to take true initiative to help bring change to suffering populations around the world. His invitations to distinguished functions such as the Mayors summit in Paris are also notable, where he called for a bold course of action in his address towards community leaders.
In his concluding remarks on Monday evening, DiCaprio asserted, “If this was a movie, we could write our way of this mess, but real life isn’t a movie and we can’t pretend we know how this is going to end. What we can do is control what we do next, how we live our lives, what we consume- and how we vote, to let our leaders know that we know the truth.”
Before The Flood will be released in cinemas on October 21 and will feature many respected world leaders such as Pope Francis and President Obama, among others.