Vet Cadets Fight For Animals

A new club run by Aishu and Ashu Gunashekaran for Pre-Vet students and animal activists alike.

Aishu and Ashu Gunashekaran, the founders of the Vet Cadets

Mackenzie Kean, Staff Writer

Why did you create Vet Cadets’ at FTHS?

Ashu: [We] created Vet Cadets to educate students about becoming a veterinarian and to simultaneously help animals in need. [We] strive to give students a chance to make a difference in the community while giving them a visual and hands-on experience of the veterinary field.


Does the formation of Vet Cadets’ originate from a personal experience or belief?

Ashu:  Yes…in my case, I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was a freshman and I even joined the Animal and Botanical Program at FTHS. After realizing the commitments that have to be made and the extensive dedication one needs to have in the veterinary field, I realized that being a vet was not truly what I wanted to do. If there was a club dedicated to the field of veterinary medicine, I would have understood the reality of becoming a vet. So to help students that might be in a similar situation, my sister and I created this club, hoping to educate others!

Aishu:  When I was a freshman and a sophomore, there was no club that catered specifically [to] vet medicine/helping animals. As a sophomore, I started to research Pre-Vet colleges. When researching, I discovered that colleges were very specific about high school students being involved with the study of vet medicine, and being actively involved with animals in the community. Also, I have always been passionate [about] giving animals a voice; Vet Cadets was the perfect way to express that, along with letting other students share their passion as well. Vet Cadets gives students the correct high school experience and involvement! The formation of Vet Cadets was to give students opportunities, while providing them with volunteer hours and unforgettable experiences!”

What is Vet Cadets’ first goal for 2016?

 Aishu:  Vet Cadets’ first goal of 2016 is [to] raise money and awareness through our fundraiser! Our club is conducting a Flapjack Fundraiser in Applebee’s where we will raise awareness about dogs who are in danger, while raising money to help. Our proceeds will go to Marty’s Place, a facility that houses senior dogs that were originally in kill shelters/pounds. We hope to be successful in our Flapjack Fundraiser!


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Showing off the back of the Vet Cadet t-shirt

What is Vet Cadets’ overall goal for 2016?

Ashu:  Our overall goal is to save the life of one senior dog. It takes a tremendous amount of money to pull a dog from a kill shelter so it is only feasible to save one dog. In addition to saving a life, we plan to take a trip to a vet’s office to experience the duties of a vet, in person. Other trips are also being planned but the main goals are to save a dog’s life and to give the students a unique veterinary experience.
How would you describe Vet Cadets’ in one word?

Ashu and Aishu:  Dedicated.


All you need to be is dedicated so join FTHS Vet Cadets today to get started in the veterinary field and help make a difference in an animal’s life.  Or, follow their new twitter for updates: @fthsVetCadets.