FTHS Couples Share Their Love Stories
February 13, 2016
For Valentine’s Day this year The Patriot Press interviewed some couples about their significant others and this special holiday.
How long have you guys been dating?
♥ Cassidy Gormley and Chris Hoskins- Almost 2 1/2 years
♥ Taylor Tobey and Zack Pericone- They just celebrated their nine month anniversary.
♥ Riley Martin and Ethan Barnes- Almost 2 months
What is your favorite thing about your boyfriend/girlfriend?
♥ Cassidy Gormley on her boyfriend Chris- “His smile is my favorite thing about him. It’s hard to find him without it”
♥ Taylor Tobey on her boyfriend Zack- “His hair is my favorite thing about him. It’s always styled so nice”
♥ Zack Pericone on his girlfriend Taylor- “She’s always goofy and fun to be around.”
♥ Riley Martin on her boyfriend Ethan- “I love his brown eyes. I also love his hair, his laugh and his smile. He’s so caring and his personality is amazing.”

How did you guys meet?
♥ Cassidy Gormley and Chris Hoskins- “We met at FTHS through mutual friends.”
♥ Taylor Tobey and Zack Pericone- “We met in chemistry class in sophomore year.”
♥ Riley Martin and Ethan Barnes- “We met in 6th grade. We’ve always been really close friends.”
Where was your first date?
♥ Cassidy Gormley and Chris Hoskins- “Our first date was at Mazhu.”
♥ Taylor Tobey and Zack Pericone- “Our first date was at Jenkinson’s Aquarium.”
♥ Riley Martin and Ethan Barnes- “Our first date as a couple was when he came over to my house to watch movies. But our official first date was when we went bowling.”
Where do you think is the best Valentine’s Day date spot?
♥ Cassidy Gormley and Chris Hoskins- “Your favorite restaurant to go to together. Ours is the Cheesecake Factory or Longhorn.”
♥ Taylor Tobey and Zack Pericone- “The Cheesecake Factory or the beach.”
♥ Riley Martin and Ethan Barnes- “Nice spots could be restaurants for a very nice dinner. Maybe even the beach, IPlay America, the movies, the park, or just being at each others’ houses.
What do you think are good gift ideas to give on Valentine’s Day?

♥ Cassidy Gormley and Chris Hoskins- “For girls, any special jewelry, stuffed animal or chocolate. For guys, anything that has to do with food or an article of clothing. But the present is never complete without a cute card.”
♥ Taylor Tobey and Zack Pericone- “His/her favorite candy or chocolate, a big teddy bear for her, and flowers, especially roses.”
♥ Riley Martin and Ethan Barnes- “Roses, something that reminds you of that person or a memory you’ve shared, chocolate/food, pictures of you and your loved one in a collage, a CD mix, big teddy bears! Honestly, it should be something thoughtful that comes from the heart, very cute and with a bit of humor.”