Contestant Profile: STEVE LEONE

Why do you want to be Mr. FTHS?

I would like to participate in Mr. FTHS to create new bonds with other peers who I may not familiar with. I also believe I am an ideal character to represent the male population of Mr. FTHS.


What does Freehold Township HS mean to you?

Like many, FTHS has become a second home to me. Literally, I spend more time here than I do at my own house.


What clubs/activities/hobbies are you involved with at FTHS or outside of FTHS?

I am an avid member of the FTHS drama club, current pear leader, and former township baseball player. I am also an active EMT, and work as a DJ and photographer. People say I am similar to a modern “Renaissance man.”


How would you describe yourself?

I would like yo let my hair describe who I am. Organized, clean cut, all business, but capable of a messy and wild side.


Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you think you have what it takes to be Mr. FTHS?

I think that I am more than qualified to hold the honor of Mr. FTHS. I am very involved in all of our teams and activities, and will make it my goal to be the best Mr. FTHS township has ever had.


Who is your favorite person and why?

My dad is my favorite person because he is my best friend and the only person who will support my ridiculous endeavors.


What do you love most about FTHS?

My favorite part of FTHS is the H hall hallway, everyone is always so friendly and considerate of one another while walking.


Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

In ten years from now, I see myself bring on the cover of Forbes magazine, attaining my financial success for being known as “the man.”


Describe your ideal date.

My ideal date would include an adventure to an unfamiliar and abandoned place to explore, followed by a candle-lit dinner, and a romantic walk on a beach under the stars.


What is your passion in life?

My passion in life is helping people helping others strive to their goal, whether that involves helping them not to die when sick, or helping them accelerate to their mediocre life goals.