Candidate Profile: NICK CURRAN

Why do you want to be Mr. FTHS?

I would like to be in Mr. FTHS because this event is something all seniors look forward to and it would be a great memory looked back on.


What does Freehold Township HS mean to you?

Freehold Township  High School means to me a place that has showed me that sometimes dark clothing is the best closing. #dontweargrey


What clubs/activities/hobbies are you involved with at FTHS or outside of FTHS? 

BOTC, Free The Children, Lacrosse, and volunteer work.


How would you describe yourself? 

Someone who is caring, loud, and sarcastic. Smart in only some situations and I can make you laugh no matter what.


Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you think you have what it takes to be Mr. FTHS? 

I have what it takes to be Mr. FTHS because I am friends with a lot of people in different friends group


Who is your favorite person and why? 

The Peanut Butter Baby because he knows how to not let anyone drag him down and have fun


What do you love most about FTHS? 

I love the imaginary air conditioning, it’s amazing on hot days. Also, the Wi-Fi that works only on one of the five days of school. #Savingdata.


Where do you see yourself ten years from now? 

In 10 years I see myself still paying off my student loans… In Miami.


Describe your ideal date. 

Eating chipotle and watching Netflix. #noe-coli


What is your passion in life? 

My passion in life is to help others because everyone deserves equal opportunities.