Why do you want to be Mr. FTHS?

I just want to get on the stage have people laugh at me.


What does Freehold Township HS mean to you?

It means I can transfer safely to Brookdale.


What clubs/activities/hobbies are you involved with at FTHS or outside of FTHS?

Thespian Society, Comedy Club, Play MTG.


How would you describe yourself?

Funny, smart, handsome.


Being Mr. FTHS is a huge honor. Why do you think you have what it takes to be Mr. FTHS? 

Congeniality is my middle name.


Who is your favorite person and why?

My favorite person is Jason Sudeikis. He’s hysterical.


What do you love most about FTHS?

The free bagels I can get in the morning.


Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

Waking up in the bathtub.


Describe your ideal date.

Looks like Caleigh Farrell, that’s a good start.


What is your passion in life?

Entertaining others.