Dear AriKhana: Officially Over It

January 7, 2016
So my friend has been talking to this guy for a while, but he isn’t the best kid in the world. I’ve met him a couple times, but I’m not a huge fan of him. My friend tells me stuff all the time about him, and I can’t have a normal conversation with her anymore without the mention of her boyfriend. They finally became “official,” and her talk about him is constant. I can’t stand it anymore. What should I do?
Officially Over It
At this age, having a boyfriend seems to be a bit of a novelty. This is relatively new for your friend so, naturally, she is going to be very excited, and she is going to want to talk about it nonstop. I know it seems like it will be this way forever, but I promise it won’t. Coming from someone who has been in the same relationship for three and a half years, I can say with much confidence that the novelty will eventually wear off. Eventually, she will begin to sense that people are becoming irritated with her constant boyfriend talk, and she will stop. Also, there will be a point when there is nothing more to say about it. Wait patiently for this time because you don’t want to lose her as a friend.
If you would rather not wait, you can always nip it in the bud! Don’t be afraid to confront her about the issue–she is still your friend after all. Tell her how happy you are that she is happy, but that you feel like it shouldn’t be the only topic of conversation. You have topics of your own to talk about. Don’t let her forget that you are important too, and don’t forget it yourself!
If neither of these are satisfying for you, you can always temporarily hire a model to be your boy toy to one up her. This will make her shut up real quick! Regardless of if you decide to take control of the situation or let it work itself out, you will get the same desired end result. Good luck, OOT!
All the best,
I know it must get annoying hearing your friend talk about her boyfriend all the time, but just think about all the times you’ve had a crush and couldn’t stop talking about him! It’s just the new excitement that’s settling in. Just spend this time being happy for her because you’re one of the only people she can comfortably gush around. She’s only telling you these things because you’re her best friend, and she has no one else to be excited with.
If it is really tiring you at this point, you should just tell her how you feel. Say that you want to talk about other things because you’re tired of hearing about it. Or, you could just try to change the subject if she brings him up again and start talking about something else. Remember, it’s important that both of you are happy in this friendship. Don’t let your feelings go unnoticed! She’s your friend, she deserves to know the truth about how you feel.
She’ll stop talking about it eventually and the whole honeymoon phase will wear off before you know it! Just keep your head up, and wait it out a little longer. Worst case scenario, just tell her how you feel. She’s your friend, I’m sure she’ll understand. Good luck and don’t get too stressed about it!