Holiday Gift Ideas: Day 4

December 10, 2015
With each passing year, our wishes for the holidays change drastically. As children, we eagerly awaited the arrival of our toys wrapped in colorful paper and shiny ribbons. As teenagers, dolls and matchbox cars no longer interest us. Instead, we wish for clothes, makeup, electronics, or money. Perhaps, when we are adults, we will not even want material things anymore. Perhaps, at that point in our lives, we will value family time more than anything. Although all of these things are true, there is one gift that can always make a person happy: a personalized gift.
Personalized gifts can come in many forms. Some prefer to scrapbook or frame cherished photographs, and some prefer to have various pieces of jewelry engraved with special dates or names. Some like to create themed baskets with items related to the receiver’s interests, while others enjoy writing letters, poems, or songs. The reason why these gifts are so timeless is because it gives people pleasure to know that their loved ones have been paying attention to them and the things that they love. It is also always nice to be reminded of the meaning of your relationship with this person.
If you are more interested in the crafty gifts, some stores to check out are Michael’s and A.C. Moore. They sell plenty of scrapbooking materials, photo frames, and any other supplies you might need to create your gift. As for jewelry or other customized items, you may want to see a department store or Things Remembered, a store in the mall specializing in jewelry and engraving.
The price can range significantly depending on the item of choice and the effort put into the creation of the item if needed. It could be as inexpensive at $10 or the price could reach well into the hundreds. Either way, your time and money will be well spent as your loved one will be overcome with joy upon receiving this gift from you!