The Age of Adaline Review

November 30, 2015
As people get older, they age. For most people this is dreaded and they do everything they can to slow the process or prevent it. For Adaline Bowman all she ever wanted since her late twenties was to age again.
Unfortunately one night she was driving and found herself losing control of her car, and her vehicle nose dived into a river. Her heart stopped beating for almost two minutes. Then, something magical happened: lightning struck her car with over a billion volts of electricity running through her body. Â Eventually she regained consciousness, and although it was a miracle that she lived, she would never age another day.
Since Adaline would never age, she found that she could never let anyone into her life. Her daughter would eventually grow old and Adaline would have to introduce herself as just a friend. She ended up changing her name, appearance, and residence every decade to keep from people being suspicious.
Throughout the film, Adaline meets Ellis someone she would eventually tell her secret to. While meeting Ellis she also comes in contact with someone from her past, many years ago. Therefore, she needs to make a decision of either running from her condition, or learning how to live with it and staying with the people she loves, and who love her.
If you would like to find out the ending to this remarkable story you can watch The Age of Adaline on Demand or on DVD.