Holiday Gift Guide 2015
November 30, 2015
Now that the turkey has been eaten and awkward questions have been asked, it is officially time for the gift-giving season. Getting gifts for those you care about is no easy feat, and can have a big impact on how people think of you (it’s shallow, but true). Make sure if you’re going to get someone a present, it is something that they would actually be interested in having! Here are some basic gifts that everyone would love to unwrap this season.

Can you say futuristic? Drones are the rage of the electronic world lately and are getting more and more popular. They are a fun way to get outside but still enjoy the comfort of being buried in technology. Some also have built-in cameras, which are capable of taking awesome aerial pictures and videos. Although drones can be quite expensive, many companies are coming out with cheaper alternatives for $100 or less. This is a great gift that you might end up enjoying as well (that is… if the person is nice enough to share).
Phone Case
Phone cases are something people need, but don’t usually get excited about buying or spending money on. Smartphone owners range from what seems like toddlers to grandparents, so this gift doesn’t discriminate. With great brands like Otterbox and Speck that offer great protection for decent prices, it’s a thoughtful gift that would get use. Some things to note, however, are what phone you are buying a case for, and keeping it straightforward with designs and colors. You want to make sure you’re getting a case for the right phone, and not an outrageous pattern for someone who likes to keep it simple.
So many great artists have released new music in the past month, and many waiting for the right time to purchase these new songs. If you know someone’s music taste well, go ahead and buy them an album! It’s a thoughtful gift and something you may be able to bond over. You could even make them a playlist of a collection of songs they may like, to take it a step further. If you’re unsure about someone’s music taste, buy the new Adele Album… because who doesn’t like Adele?
An Experience
Sometimes the best gifts are things that aren’t actually things at all. If you aren’t sure what to get someone this holiday season, get them an experience! Buy them concert tickets, take them ice skating, give them movie tickets, the list goes on. A lot of times people tend to appreciate actual events more than items, and you really can’t go wrong with this gift. The best part is that you’re likely to tag along!
Gift giving is a confusing and somewhat uncomfortable task, but it is inevitable during this time of year. Make sure you’re getting somewhat a gift that they could use, and won’t be instantly returned or “regifted”. Get people something that you would want to receive, because you never know, they could end up returning the favor.