Dear AriKhana: The Main Chick

November 22, 2015
Dear AriKhana,
Originally, I believed that being in a relationship would cause far less drama with girls than being single would as there is less to fight over, but lately, I’m realizing that this is not the case. For the past seven months, I have been dating this guy, and we have had no problems with each other, but I am having some issues with his ex-girlfriend. She is constantly targeting me with nasty comments and starting rumors about me though I have had no contact with her. The latest news was relayed to me from a friend: Apparently, she has intentions to persuade my boyfriend to cheat on me with her to make me angry. I trust that my boyfriend will be loyal, but I hate that his ex has the satisfaction of being around him all the time without me. What should I do?
The Main Chick
Dear TMC,
Sadly, we can never seem to escape girl drama (sigh); however, we can handle it in ways that make it a bit more tolerable (yay!). I’m glad to hear that you have a strong relationship with your boyfriend; it should stay this way. I know it will completely irk you to know that this is going on and not be able to totally fight this girl without looking like a lunatic, but I promise that it is in your best interest. Girls have tendencies to be catty, and you do not want this situation to blow up. To avoid this, I suggest that you talk to your boyfriend about your concerns. Make him aware of what is going on behind the scenes. Perhaps you can have him speak to his ex-girlfriend and tell her that what she is doing is not okay. Also, have him remind her that they are over and that he has no intentions to cheat on you. In the meantime, refrain from stooping down to her level and keep your head held high because you are, in fact, the Main Chick!
Dear TMC,
I understand where you’re coming from and how this can be very hurtful. Yet you have to realize that when someone starts spreading rumors or attacking you, it’s mainly because they are jealous. His ex-girlfriend seems to be extremely envious of the fact that you’re going out with him and she isn’t. You have to realize that he chose to go out with you and not her for a reason. Clearly, he likes you a lot better. There will always be people who will try to get in the way of you and your relationships with other people, but those people are irrelevant. As long as you don’t react to the rumors, they will not have any affect on your life. People will always say things about each other, but that doesn’t mean you have to listen. Make it clear to your boyfriend that you feel uncomfortable about the way his ex-girlfriend has been acting and ask him if he can tell her to stop. If she is still friends with your ex-boyfriend, you have to trust that he will not cheat on you with her. Even if he does, that just makes you realize that the relationship is not worth your time if he is just going to cheat on you. Relationships are all about trust. I know that it makes you uncomfortable with the thought of his ex-girlfriend being around all the time, but just remember, he chose you. Good luck and I hope your relationship works out!