Student Profile: Rose Barrett

Lindsey Golotko, Editor

What was your favorite class you have taken here at FTHS?

History is my favorite subject, so last year I really liked taking the Brookdale dual enrollment history class. It was really cool to be learning the history of the United States and receiving college credits as well.

What are you most excited about for senior year?

I’m excited to have everything figured out. I can’t wait to be done with all the college applications and essays and have a decision made as to where I want to go to school. Also, I’m really excited, and sad, to finish up my last high school cross-country season and then my last two track seasons.


What is your biggest regret in high school?

I honestly don’t have any big regrets. I’m happy with all my choices for leading me to where I am now. I wouldn’t ask for anything to be different.


What is the best memory you have at FTHS?

Running is a big part of my life, so being able to compete at the spring track Meet of Champions on the 4×800 team was really awesome and a great way to end my junior year!


What advice do you have for underclassmen that are still getting used to FTHS?

Get involved in any club or sport even if you don’t have any prior experience. It’s a great way to make friends with similar interests. For me, being on the cross-country and track teams has been one of the best parts of high school.


What teacher, student, guidance counselor, etc. has influenced you the most throughout high school?

My coaches, Mr. Fromuth and Mr. Briggs have really helped me out over the years. Obviously on the track but also this year they have been so willing to help me through the whole college process.


What are you going to miss most about FTHS?

I’ll miss being able to see my friends everyday and us all being together at the same place. Also running everyday with a team that I’ve gotten so close with over the years.