Dear AriKhana: Friends Without Benefits

November 10, 2015
Dear AriKhana,
I have been friends with this girl for two months, and I assumed that we were just good friends. A close friend of hers informed me this week that she has feelings for me and is interested in being more than friends. I am not sure how to handle this situation because I do not feel the same way, and I am also unsure if I want to keep my friendship with her because I feel as though it will not be the same. What should I do?
Friends Without Benefits
Dear FWB,
I think the best thing to do in this situation is to confront her about it. It would be unfair to lead her on or continue to act as if everything is still normal. You can politely apologize and explain to her that you do not have the same feelings for her. She might be upset, but at least you are letting her know that she can move on and find someone who does have feelings for her. If you feel uncomfortable coming right out and saying that you do not want to be friends with her either, then you can distance yourself a bit until she gets the hint. Maybe reach out to her less often and limit conversations to small talk. I know it is easy to just ignore the situation because it is uncomfortable and the girl might feel hurt, but know that it will be better for the both of you if you tackle the problem head on.
If all else fails, move to Mexico. Best of luck!
Dear FWB,
You should definitely talk to her about the issue because it will not go away by itself. In order for you and her to be at peace, the best thing to do would be to work out your issues. You need to tell her straight up that you don’t feel the same way and you don’t feel like carrying on your friendship because it would be awkward at this point. Tell her you’re sorry but you’re sure there are plenty of other people who would like to be with her. Try to distance yourself from her in order to keep her from getting her heart broken. Eventually she will move on and forget about this, which will also allow you to move on with your life and be normal again.
Good luck and I hope everything works out for you!