R.I.P Township Time

Senior Andrew Ventura happily adjusted to the end of Township Time.

Samantha Panaseny, Staff Writer

Put all your worries and complaints to rest fellow patriots, for the dreaded “Township Time” era has finally come to an end!

On Wednesday, September 16, Principal Higley announced that Township Time was finally over. Fortunately, the incoming freshman and our younger siblings won’t have to experience the struggle we’ve all been suffering these past couple years.

If you’re unaware of what Township Time is, here’s the rundown:  the Township Time bell schedule essentially gave an extra four minutes to our morning. The schedule provided students with a warning bell at 8:20 and then period 1 began at 8:25, but township time involved pushed everything back by approximately 4 minutes. Therefore, the warning bell rang at 8:24 and period 1 began at 8:29.

You’re probably thinking, great school starts four minutes later — WRONG. Although students were given the advantage of running a little later with these four extra minutes, they came back to haunt us at 3:00. Instead of school ending at 3:00, the final bell rang at 3:04, and those four minutes were excruciating.

According to Freehold Township senior Andrew Ventura, “Township Time basically just messed with my head every day; half the time I never knew what time it was.”

Fortunately over this previous four day weekend, FTHS staff reset all school clocks to Verizon time, matching the school’s time to our smart phones. From this point moving forward, school will begin at 8:25 and end at approximately 3:00 — not a minute later! Freehold Township will once again run on the same clock schedule as Colts Neck High School and Marlboro High School and all the other schools in the world.

Although it’s been a long time coming, we are finally free from Township Time. The constant struggle of getting your phone and classroom time mixed up is now over.

R.I.P Township Time; you will not be missed!