SPOILERS!!! Don’t read unless you want to know the events of the Episode.
Today is the eighth and last day of new What If episodes and it’s been an amazing journey going through it with you all. The episode starts with a flashback of Uatu the Watcher voiced by Jeffery Wright taking his oath alongside his teacher and villain of the episode The Eminence voiced by Jason Isaacs. We then cut back to the ending of the last episode where The Watcher and Peggy are being held and captured. The team of Kahorri, Byrdie, Storm, and Ultron breaks into the place where Uatu and the Captain are captured and frees them. Ultron sacrifices himself and the rest of the gang flees. However, The Executioner, The Incarnate, and the Eminence find them. The heroes are about to die but gain powers and fight the trio. All seems to be lost until Peggy sacrifices herself to bring them to Steven Strange’s universe from Season 1 Episode 4 What If.. Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands? The Watcher final shows The Eminence the greatness of humanity.
This episode is emotional, with a thrilling fight and an emotional loss. The battle between The Watcher with humanity and The Eminence with order. The fight scene was stunning and it’s the best one by far. The power and teamwork between the heroes were amazing. In one part of the episode the team was about to be deleted from reality and it was cool how you saw the different variants of the characters. There were some heartbreaking parts in the episode though. The sacrifice of the once-evil Infinity Ultron was sad and the sacrifice of Peggy in the end was extremely depressing. The last scene of them letting Captain Carter’s shield drift was sad but heartwarming.
The episode was a perfect send-off of the series and the story shown in it was amazing. This deserves a 4.8/5 ☆ ‘s.
This season was an overall great experience. I’m excited to see what Marvel does next and how these events will impact Secret Wars. The series received 35.8/40 ☆ ‘s.
I had fun watching the series and writing these articles, I hope you had fun too.