Name: Allison Vaughan
What is your role at Freehold Township High School?
- I am a sophomore in global studies.
Are you a member/advisor of any clubs/sports?
- I am an editor of Patriot Press, a member of the Red Cross club, varsity tennis player, and member of HRC.
What is your favorite thing about Freehold Township High School?
- My favorite thing about FTHS is the teachers.
What has going to/working in Freehold Township High School taught you?
- I have learned to manage my time throughout my years attending FTHS.
When you are stressed, who do you go to in Freehold Township High School to comfort you?
- Mr. Mopsick, my former AP Human Geography teacher always comforts me when I am stressed.
Advice for other students/people in the school?
- I would advise other students to not procrastinate and pay attention during class.