Lhabab Duchen is one of the four major Tibetan Buddhist festivals, its name translates to “The Festival of the Descent from Heaven”.
How did it start? The celebration of Lhabab Duchen comes from the story of the Buddha’s descent from Heaven to Earth. Shortly after the Buddha was born, his mother died and was reborn in heaven. It is said that the Buddha left Earth for Heaven at 41 to teach in the gods’ realm and preach the Dharma (moral law) for three months to repay his mother’s kindness and set her free. When he was ready to return to the human realm, the gods Indra and Brahma gave the Buddha three jeweled staircases to descend upon. The Buddha’s return to the Earth is one of The Eight Great Events in the Life of Buddha.
When is Lhabab Duchen celebrated? Lhabab Duchen is celebrated on the 22nd day of the ninth month of the Tibetan calendar, which falls on November 22 this year. This date was chosen because it is shortly after his descent back to Earth.
What happens on Lhabab Duchen? On Lhabab Duchen, every action a person does, good or bad, is multiplied by ten million times. This is to strengthen the dedication to Buddha’s wisdom and to keep in mind the Buddha’s compassion. Common practices on this day are praying and taking part in virtuous activities.