Greetings, and welcome back to October Horror Fest! Today, I watched a movie that is the next step in one of our classic franchises. It is NOT as good as the original, but hey, it was nightmarish. Stick with me, my friends, as we enter into one of our horrific horror locations once again. One that you all know. Not Haddonfield, not Woodsboro, not Crystal Lake… but Elm Street. Without further ado, sit back, relax, turn off the lights, grab some Candy and Popcorn, and let’s review…
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2

Our film begins on a school bus, with two pretty girls sitting up front, and a nerdy, quieter boy sitting in the back. These are the most 80s stereotypes I’ve ever seen, but hey, if it works, it works. The two girls begin to panic, as the bus passes its normal stop, and begins SPEEDING. It goes into the desert, and the bus still doesn’t stop. The girls begin to panic, as the boy in back begins to look around. It keeps driving, as we see the hat of the driver…
The bus finally stops, as the ground around the bus dissolves, and the sky turns red. The driver reveals himself, and it is, of course, Freddy Krueger. In an honestly amazing shot, the bus is suspended on a column of stones in the middle of a canyon. Freddy laughs, and begins moving down the bus, his glove slicing the bus as he walks. The girls and the boy panic, as Freddy finally slices. We cut to a suburban house, as we hear a boy SCREAM. It’s the boy from the dream, and his name is Jesse. It’s been five years since the “defeat” of Krueger, and the Walsh family (Jesse’s Family) lives inside of the house of one NANCY THOMAS, our final girl from Part One. She’s awesome. Jesse goes to school, still trying to get adjusted. He’s basically a wimp, but he begins to develop a friendship with Lisa, the girl from the dream. He drives her to school every day. While in the locker room with his friend Grady, Jesse is informed about the true nature of the house he lives in. The legend of that house is everywhere on Elm Street.
Jesse makes it home, now knowing the danger he has to confront. He can’t sleep, and heads downstairs. In the basement, he finds a massive fire. He tries to shut the door, but he isn’t able to. Jesse bolts, but is stopped by Freddy himself. Freddy pushes him to the wall, threatening him with his knives. Freddy then tries to recruit Jesse, saying that they have special work to do. Jesse has the body, but Freddy has the brain. With this, Freddy rips his skin off, revealing his brain. Jesse shrieks, and he wakes up from the nightmare. The next day, Jesse falls asleep in class, and bullies begin to taunt him. However, he isn’t going to let his day be ruined. He goes to Lisa’s house. Lisa is very pretty, and again, one of the most 80s girls I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen SO many 80s movies. She has a MASSIVE house with a pool, and Jesse calls her. He invites her to a date, but Jesse is kept home by his father. In an absolutely hilarious scene, Jesse begins to clean his room with music playing. He wears baseball hats and glasses, and is LOVING it. He begins to dance around his room, and completely embarrases himself when Lisa shows up, having been let in by Jesse’s mom.
The two begin to hang out, and do seriously begin to develop a connection. There are obvious feelings on both sides. The two sit on the bed, as they find a journal. It’s Nancy’s. The pair begin to read through it, as Nancy writes about Glen, her deceased boyfriend, killed by Freddy in part one. But, as the pair keep reading, Nancy begins to write about Freddy. Her nightmares line up with Jesse’s, and he begins to panic. That night, Jesse has a more intense dream, which foreshadows Freddy’s true intentions. Jesse sees flames, and Freddy’s glove right in front of him. Freddy wants Jesse. At school, Lisa even gives our boy Jesse a kiss. At home, Jesse’s parents begin to think he’s crazy, especially his father. Thanks to small fires occurring around the house, his father blames Jesse.
This comes to a head during movie night. The family is sitting in the living room, when the birdcage begins to shake like crazy. Jesse takes the cover off, and the dead body of one of the birds falls down. The murderous bird escapes, and begins flying around the room, injuring Jesse’s father. The bird begins to go right for Jesse, when it disappears in a plume of fire and smoke. Jesse’s nightmares grow more intense, and he literally can’t sleep. To combat this, Jesse literally gets up from his bed, pajamas still on, and walks through the streets, eventually ending up at a bar. He asks for a beer, but is stopped by his gym coach, Mr. Schneider. Schneider takes the still pajama wearing Jesse to the school to do laps, as we see far off rooms turn blood red. Jesse hits the shower, as Schneider walks into the gym locker rooms. Suddenly, Basketballs, Volleyballs, Footballs, everything in storage begins to fling toward Schneider. Schneider is then dragged away with jump ropes to the showers. The acting is a tad goofy, but it’s still fun. Schnider is then whipped with a towel, and Freddy appears. Freddy slashes Schneider, as blood comes out from all of the faucets. Jesse looks down on his own hand, as he’s covered in blood. Freddy’s glove rests on it…
Jesse makes it home, terrified. His father thinks he’s either crazy or on hard drugs. The next night, Jesse falls into another nightmare. Freddy’s glove is in a drawer next to his bed, moving. Freddy’s voice speaks, asking Jesse to kill for him. And in perhaps my favorite scene in the movie, Jesse walks into a room, and sees the jump roping girl, still singing the same song. “One, two, Freddy’s coming for you…” When Jesse wakes the next morning, he’s basically just winging it, and he acts insane. He asks his dad why it took five years to buy the house, and confronts his dad at the breakfast table about Nancy and how she went insane, and all the horrific things that happened in part one. At night, Jesse and Lisa team up to go to the factory where Freddy worked when he was alive. The pair look and look, but they can’t find anything. Lisa is held close by Jesse, as night falls once again. Freddy takes over Jesse’s body, and takes him to his sister’s room, Jesse wearing the glove once again. He’s close to ending her life. Jesse then goes insane on sleeping pills, and takes all of them that he can. He doesn’t sleep. At all.
Jesse drives with Lisa to school, and as Lisa tries to help, Jesse breaks down, saying maybe he is crazy. His erratic mood continues through the school day, getting mad at both Grady and Lisa. At night that same day, a party at Lisa’s house takes place. It starts off like a classic 1950s party, with all the teens being very respectful, since Lisa’s parents are outside. Lisa’s parents eventually leave, as Jesse basically barricades himself in the bathroom, as Lisa truly worries about him. Lisa goes into the bathroom with Jesse, and begins to talk to him. She really loves him and wants to help him, but Jesse refuses it all. Eventually, through the argument, the pair come close, and kiss. And kiss, and kiss. The literal second Lisa’s parents light goes out, it turns into a CLASSIC 1980s PARTY BABY! Hit 80s rock plays, as beers are passed everywhere, and everyone begins kissing and swimming. Inside the bathroom, things start getting heavier between our pair as well. They begin REALLY getting into it, but I’m pretty sure Freddy heard the voice of Randy from the future. Do NOT break Rule #1!
Freddy’s tongue suddenly comes out of Jesse’s mouth in a horrible moment, but the confused Lisa didn’t notice it. Jesse bolts in a panic, and Lisa breaks down. Jesse runs to Grady’s, and forces him to watch over him as he sleeps. He basically breaks down in front of his friend, saying how hard everything is getting. Jesse says that he killed the coach, and he says how Freddy is taking over him. Grady doesn’t believe him, but Jesse truly convinces him. Our boy Jesse eventually does fall asleep, but not for long. In a TERRIBLE scene, Jesse begins looking horrible and crying, as Freddy literally emerges from within him, breaking Jesse’s entire body apart.
Grady is unable to get out of the locked room, as Freddy smiles, and kills him. We turn back to Freddy, and Jesse is back, covered in blood. Jesse breaks down, as the cops come. Freddy taunts Jesse through the mirror. Jesse bolts back to Lisa’s, covered in blood, and he’s literally losing his mind. Lisa, literally being the best person ever (I may put her as a final girl, even though she technically isn’t one. She’s so awesome) begins to try and console Jesse. Jesse says it’s Fred Krueger, but Lisa won’t believe him at first. Outside, we see the lock to the pool open, as all the windows and doors lock on their own. Lisa keeps telling Jesse to fight him, but Jesse succumbs to him. His fear gives Freddy strength.
Freddy is back, and Lisa legitimately begins to fight him. Lisa’s leg is injured, but she keeps moving. The second Freddy is about to kill Lisa, he can’t. Jesse is stopping him. Jesse speaks, asking Lisa to kill him. But she can’t do it. Jesse says he loves Lisa, as she begins to cry. The second before Lisa dies, Jesse intervenes, and Freddy jumps outside. In a very “interesting” scene to say the least, Freddy goes on a killing spree through the partygoers. However, when Lisa goes outside, Freddy runs again. He can’t harm her. Krueger teleports again, but Lisa knows where he is going…
Lisa speeds to the factory, where the final confrontation takes place. Lisa keeps running, until she comes face to face with Freddy. Freddy is about to kill her, when she confesses her love to Jesse. Freddy begins to bleed. It’s working. Freddy is weakened, but still tries to manipulate Lisa. However, Lisa says she isn’t afraid, and that she wants Jesse back. However, the final blow comes when Lisa kisses Freddy. Yes, it’s weird, but I told you guys this movie was worse than part one. With this, the entire factory bursts into flames. Freddy follows suit, and an ash-covered Jesse appears from within him, bursting out of the defeated Freddy. The two lovers embrace, crying, but overjoyed. We fade to black…
It’s been a few days, and Jesse and Lisa, along with his friends, are on the school bus. Jesse is legitimately doing better, but he’s still nervous on the bus. One of Jesse’s friends says that it’s all over, until Freddy’s arm bursts through her chest. Freddy laughs as the bus speeds down into the desert, Lisa and Jesse, along with the rest of the bus, screaming. It’s not over…
THANK YOU FOR READING! Yeah, guys, I know. This movie is a FAR cry from the masterpiece that was part one. But hey, it was fun, and Lisa was awesome. That’s something!!! Thank you all so much. And remember, beware Elm Street…