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X-Men ’97 – The Key to Marvel’s Future

X-Men ’97 is truly as good as the critics say. With all the praise, how will the mutants revive Marvel?

X-Men ‘97 is Marvel’s newest show on Disney+, and it is the revival of the Marvel Animated Universe of the 1990s, the MCU before the MCU. This show has been trending for ten weeks straight, and it is clear to see why. ‘97 has been praised for its storytelling, visuals, and everything involved with it, and has become Marvel’s highest rated show of all time, with a mind blowing 98% on Rotten Tomatoes, with a 95% audience score. Let’s just back into the world of the mutants, and see why X-Men ‘97 is Marvel’s key to the future.

Before we jump into the revival, we need to take a look at the original show. X-Men ‘97 is the revival of X-Men: The Animated Series (TAS), which was created in 1992 and ran for five years and five seasons, ending in 1997 with its cancellation. The show was incredible, and is a major source of nostalgia for those growing up in the 1990s, and many people’s first introductions to Marvel and the mutants. This universe from the ‘90s, as I said, was essentially the first MCU. This animated universe consisted of the animated series of Spider-Man, Iron Man, The Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, and many more. This universe was started with the X-Men, and is now returning with ‘97. However, before we talk about the incredible cameos and connections, we need to talk about the show itself.

The show picks up right where we left off in X-Men: TAS, with the supposed death of Professor X. Cyclops (Scott Summers), becomes the leader of the X-Men after the fate of the professor. The team consists of Rogue, Gambit, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Storm, Jubilee, and Morph, our original team from TAS. Since this is a no spoiler review, I won’t be going into intense detail, but the series was crafted beautifully. From the first episode, it feels like nothing has changed. Gorgeous visuals and animation are placed perfectly into the show, and it feels like we are watching a comic book. Magneto, at the end of the first episode, becomes the leader of the X-Men. This causes a major rupture in the team, as Magneto is one of the greatest villains of the X-Men. He was granted the authority to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, and the team itself. And, at the end of the amazing episode one, the show hits the ground running.

From the first episode to the last, X-Men ‘97 has been incredible to watch. (As of time of writing, season one ended yesterday, May 16th). Every episode is wonderfully crafted, and its animation and visuals are stunning. Some, myself included, are saying that this is one of the greatest Marvel projects ever made. However, as much as I would sing the praises of this amazing show, don’t take my word for it. 

As someone who didn’t watch the original show too much before ‘97 premiered, I was introduced back to the X-Men for the first time in years. I had virtually no experience with the team, yet I was delighted, and have become a real fan of the mutants. This is what I want you to have. X-Men ‘97 is too good not to talk about, but as I said, don’t take my word for it. The entirety of season one is available to stream on Disney+, and it is a recommendation I can give wholeheartedly. I am so happy that ‘97 delivered, and am so excited for the future. 

To me, my X-Men!

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