Seasons greetings everyone, and welcome back to Snowfest! Today marks the end of the first week of Snowfest, and the publishing of my first full fledged article! Today, we will be going through all of the movies I watched this week, and how they all deal with the true meaning of the holidays. Like I said on day one, this is all experimental. If you don’t love the formatting, don’t be afraid to tell me! Before getting into it, I just wanted to wish a Happy Hanukkah to all those celebrating! Although I am a day late, Snowfest celebrates all the holidays, so I couldn’t go without mentioning it! Without further ado, let’s get started!
Snowfest Day 2 – Home Alone
Without a doubt, Home Alone is one of the most legendary holiday movies, and reigns the list as my favorite. Home Alone, as I’m sure you all know, follows the story of a young Kevin McCallister. When his parents accidentally leave him at home for Christmas, Kevin has to defend his house from the Wet Bandits. Through struggle and triumph, Kevin eventually learns the true meaning of Christmas.
Home Alone is my favorite Christmas/Holiday movie, and for good reason. It is hilarious, emotional, and jam-packed with fun. Through Kevin, we are all able to learn the true meaning of the Holiday Season. When Kevin succeeds, we feel that. When he fails, we feel that as well. Kevin McCallister and Home Alone are a staple of Christmas, and they deserve that spot.
Snowfest Day 3 – Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
I’m sure that all of you are a bit confused about this one, but don’t fret! You all know the Simpsons, but did you know that their first episode was a Christmas Special? In the episode, Homer, (because he’s Homer), gets fired from his job, and has to find out a way to provide for his family during the holiday season. Through hilarious jokes and downright serious moments, especially for the Simpsons, Homer and his family prevail.
I was at first apprehensive about watching this episode, but I don’t regret it at all. This episode is a perfect beginning for the Simpsons, and shows that Homer and his family were the same since the start. Homer has some truly serious moments in the episode, and they all come out amazingly. Even though it’s the Simpsons, it seems like Homer taught us about the holidays after all.
Snowfest Day 4 – A Christmas Story
A Christmas Story is one of the kings of Christmas, and for good reason! This classic follows the story of Ralphie, and his insatiable hunger for a Red Ryder BB Gun. This film takes place in the 1930s, and with the perfect amount of comedy and seriousness, we see Christmas through the eyes of our younger selves. Ralphie struggles and triumphs, and as the movie progresses, he becomes a better and better character.
A Christmas Story, alongside Home Alone, is one of my favorite Christmas movies. As Ralphie progresses through the course of the movie, I am able to see my younger self in him. Sure, Ralphie has to make sure he won’t shoot his eye out, but that Red Ryder BB Gun means everything to him. Over the course of the movie, it begins to mean everything to us as well.
Snowfest Day 5 – A Charlie Brown Christmas
“Christmas Time is Here!” Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang are some of my favorite characters, and the Christmas Special is one of my favorite animations they’ve been in. This classic tells the story of the Peanuts Gang on Christmas, and how Charlie Brown gets roped into directing the Christmas Play. In the animation, there are some very serious moments, such as when Charlie Brown realizes he’s depressed around Christmas, and some hilarious ones as well, such as when Snoopy licks Lucy.
This animation will always have a special place in my heart, and it is truly amazing. Through Charlie Brown, we are able to learn more and more about the holidays. This is a MUST WATCH in the Christmas season, and is one of the best animations surrounding the holiday season ever created.
Snowfest Day 6 – Home Alone 2
Also coming in at one of my favorite holiday movies, it’s the sequel to the king. Home Alone 2 is often regarded as the perfect sequel, and is even debated as being better than its predecessor. In Home Alone 2, Kevin gets lost in New York, and has to fight the Wet Bandits once more. Through exploring the Big Apple, he meets amazing people, makes new memories, and once again finds out why Christmas is so special.
Home Alone 2 (controversial opinion incoming!) may actually be better than Home Alone in my opinion. It is the perfect mixture between new and old ideas, and everything that made the first movie great comes back in even more force.
Snowfest Day 7 – How The Grinch Stole Christmas
The Grinch is widely regarded as one of the best holiday specials, and one of the most iconic. In the classic animation, we follow the story of the Grinch, a Scrooge-like figure who wants nothing to do with Holiday Cheer. Throughout the movie, this Miser of Meanness’s heart grows three sizes, as he discovers what makes the holidays special.
The Grinch has to be my favorite Dr. Suess book, and the original animation still has to be my favorite. This short has taught so many people lessons, and it is truly incredible.
Snowfest Day 8 – Die Hard
DIE HARD IS A CHRISTMAS MOVIE! Die Hard, although not resembling the Christmas formula, is undoubtedly a Christmas movie. (And yes, I watched another Christmas short today just to have my bases covered.) Die Hard is the story of John McClane, as he navigated his way through a Holiday party gone wrong. From Bullets to Rockets, John fights to save his wife, and to save Christmas for everyone special to him.
Die Hard is a true classic for me. It is one of my favorite movies, even outside of just Christmas, and it shows that the formulaic Christmas movie does not always reign supreme.
WE DID IT! Thank you all for reading the first “true” article of Snowfest 2023, and I hope you all enjoyed it! Remember, this is all an experiment. I am making this for you, so if you have comments on the format, be sure to tell me! For now, I bid you all adieu. Till next week, everyone, and may all your days be merry and bright!