Seasons greetings everyone, and welcome to Snowfest! If you were on the Pat Press during October, you may have seen, or even read, October Horror Fest. Snowfest acts similarly, but with a HUGE difference. This month is all for holiday movies! To start off, I am changing some things from Horror Fest. The main rules will stay the same, see October Horror Fest – Day 1, but I am changing a MAJOR part of the challenge. This column will not be posted every day. Am I still watching a holiday related piece of media, 100%, absolutely, yes. To be honest with you, dear readers, Horror Fest was a true joy to make for you all, but it was STRESSFUL! I feel it will be easier for all of us to not have to write and read 10 page reviews every single day.
Here is where the other changes come in. I will be focusing more on a quick synopsis of the media I watch, and what makes it great, instead of the lengthy reviews from Horror Fest. I will be watching movies every day, and I will update you all on the ones I watched, and how good they were every single week. Next time you see a Snowfest Article, it will be next Friday. As always, this is an experiment, so me and you will just have to see how it goes!
Today, dear readers, I watched the short film, “Hey, Deer!” This film centers around a deer who goes through his life in a loop, until a huge event changes his life. This short really hit home for me. It shows the magic of the holidays, and how a little magic can change someone’s life. I recommend this short for all of you to watch!
I do apologize for the short length of this article. As I said, we are currently in the experimental phase! I am so, so, SO excited to create Snowfest for you all. Before I go, I just wanted to wish you all, Happy Holidays!