The Giving Tree – More Than Just a Holiday Tradition

Tori Simons, Editor

Four years ago, Mrs. Clyne, the Student Assistance Coordinator at FTHS, was sent a list of all of the kids who needed some extra consideration during the holiday season, from her children’s school board. After receiving the list of students who were in difficult situations, she immediately wanted to help. She chose different children to buy extra gifts for as a way to make their lives just a bit brighter. Mrs. Clyne said “The list was anonymous to all of the parents, but it stated what each child needed or wanted.” In doing so, students were able to receive gifts from those who participated and were able to have something special during the holidays. Mrs. Clyne also stated, “The thought of helping students in their school put a smile on my face. I hoped that I had chosen one of my children’s friends because it made my heart warm knowing that I was able to help them in some way.”

Ever since this occurred, Mrs. Clyne worked with Dr. Scelso, the principal at FTHS, to create something similar at FTHS. They came up with The Giving Tree initiative where all staff members could participate in and give back to their students. At the start of Thanksgiving, up until the week before winter break, faculty members are able to submit names of students who need a little something extra during the season. The students chosen could be those who are financially in need, are going through a difficult time personally, or just had a really hard year in school. All faculty members are able to give back to these students by giving them clothes, gift cards, toys, and other gifts to brighten their day. “We want to give back to the students and bring some happiness around the holidays, because it can be hard for some,” said Mrs. Clyne. 

Even though this is mainly for staff members to give back to their students, FTHS students themselves can also be involved. Last year, The We Help Too club made holiday cards for the students receiving gifts. They drew winter drawings on them, wrote kind messages, and took their time to make sure each card was special in some way. These cards were attached with the gifts from the faculty to be given to the chosen students. The Giving Tree project doesn’t only influence the students who receive the gifts, but the staff members and other students as well. “It makes us think more about what we have and are thankful for in life. Having this opportunity to give back to others puts everyone in the holiday spirit of giving back and truly making a difference,” Mrs. Clyne explains. 

After all of the students are chosen, cards are made, and gifts are picked out, it is finally time to give the selected students their gifts. Each student will be presented with their gift by a trusted adult in the Guidance Office during the week of school before Winter break. They will be able to come in, open their gift, and realize that there are good aspects to the holiday season. Those who care about these students want them to succeed in school and in life. Doing this small act during the holidays just helps encourage the concept that these students are not alone and the faculty at FTHS are here to help them. According to Mrs. Clyne, “The most rewarding part of this entire project is knowing that these students are being helped. A lot of emotion fills the air, but regardless, seeing their reactions is priceless because there is a moment where I know I’m making a difference.”

This project has come a long way from where it started, but it is a great way for staff to give back to their community and truly make a difference in someone’s life. This time of year can be very stressful and overwhelming for many reasons, but this project gives some students a chance to see the bright side of the holidays. Mrs. Clyne adds that “a small act of kindness goes a long way and for some, that is all it takes to make this time of year a little more special for them.” 

In conclusion, just remember that everyone is going through something. It may not be as difficult as others, but be considerate. If there is an opportunity to make someone’s day a bit brighter or put a smile on a person’s face, do it. The holiday spirit is not only about gifts, but uplifting someone else when they need it most. The Giving Tree is a very special and rewarding opportunity for staff to give back to students. Mrs. Clyne closes with, “I really look forward to the future of this project because it is so bright. Four years ago I couldn’t imagine how much good we were going to do by incorporating this into FTHS. My goal was to help others who needed a little more support during the holidays, but who knew the huge difference it would make in multiple students’ lives.”