Food and Fun at the Homecoming Tailgate

Emily Landolfi, Staff Writer

A time of laughter and school spirit, the 2022 Homecoming tailgate brought the entire Patriot Family together to gear up for the big game. A circus themed extravaganza, the event included a massive slide, club tables, and beloved teachers flipping burgers to feed the masses.

Don’t believe me? Ask Assistant Principal Dr. Dow, who commented on the joy of simply observing the community “out and about, enjoying the tailgate experience” as a lead-up to the most spirited game of the season. Or Mr. Navalance (Lab Biology teacher) and Ms. Razzino (Physical Education teacher), newcomers to FTHS, who showed up at the tailgate to bask in the early excitement of the evening and to enjoy the energy of the crowd. 

The success of the event would not have been possible without the involvement of various organizations who created circus inspired stations for all to enjoy. Thank you to the following clubs for their participation in the tailgate and their overall impact to FTHS: 

– Student Government Association (SGA) for 12th Grade: “We are helping set up, making food, and taking care of everybody who’s coming to the event.”  – Chase O’Malley, 2022 SGA Officer 

– SGA for 11th Grade: “We are helping out with the main distribution of food and manning some games like bottle rings and bean-bag toss.” – Isabella Novera, 2022 SGA Officer 

– SGA for 10th Grade: “We are serving burgers, helping set up, and have a station for face painting and hair coloring.” – Madeline Mintzer and Sophia Merino, 2022 SGA Officers

– Future Farmers of America (FFA): “We are giving away corn [delicious, might I add] and collecting tips for the club to go on trips.” – Scarlet, 2022 FFA Member

A note: The corn truly was divine and deserves all of the praise in the universe.

– Family Consumer Club (FCCLA): “We are doing Cup Pong with water!” – Theepa and Kailyn Soto, 2022 FCCLA Members

– Technology Student Association (TSA): “We are catering to TSA students who pay their dues and are having fun together.” – Ava Talwar, 2022 TSA Member

– Band: “We are having the 8th Graders come to play some stuff with them, do some homecoming activities, and give them food.” – Piper Doherty, 2022 Color Guard Captain. Additionally, “We are getting ready to perform.” – Brian Yaniro, 2022 Trumpet Section Leader in the Marching Band 

– Film Club: “We are interviewing friends, teachers, and Connor the Smurf.” – Joewell Thomas, 2022 Film Club Member 

Another massive thank you to the teachers who chaperoned the event and manned the food stations, including but not limited to Mr. Leahy, Mrs. Rattien, Mrs. LaPlaga, Mr. Giblin, Mr. Torres, Mrs. Torres, Professor Villarreal, and Mrs. Blair. Here’s to another incredible experience that highlighted the school’s glowing support and love for the community!