Netflix Hot Topics: Ginny and Georgia

June 7, 2022
Hello and welcome back to Netflix Hot Topics! I hope you all had a great Memorial Day Weekend as well as an extra few days off. We have officially entered the last month of the school year! With summer vacation not far from sight, classwork and assignments don’t sound like the most fun plans during the day. This seems like the perfect time to release our final Hot Topic of the school year! So without further ado, our June Hot Topic is….GINNY AND GEORGIA! Ginny and Georgia is a one season series foreseeing Ginny’s journey to a happier life in this new town. After being forced to move for the second time by her mother Georgia, Ginny’s attitude towards this third time the charm “fresh start” isn’t all that optimistic. After countless interactions with the social groups Wellsbury Highschool has to offer, she realizes she doesn’t quite measure up to what seems like the average teenager quota. Now, let’s dive through the backstory of season one!
15 year old Ginny Miller never quite had any settled moment during the time spent in her old homes. As it was mentioned before, her family had moved multiple times throughout her youth; first being caused by her biological father’s unexpected departure after the birth of her younger brother Austin, and again after the murder of her stepfather Kenny. The murder investigation had never came to a close because the killer wasn’t exactly caught. This had been because the threat was hidden in plain sight the entire time…. It was Georgia! Such a violent impulse as murder was in efforts of protecting her daughter from anymore harassing encounters. With murder on her conscience and a suspecting manhunt following, Georgia evacuated her family from what had once been their home town, without any explanation of the circumstance. This had been the set off of Ginny’s uncertainty about her mothers idea of a “fresh start”. Now let’s enhance this discussion further by looking at how these unfortunate events affect Ginny’s social life. Due to the constant shifting from home to home, Ginny was never able to make real friends. The concern of growing close and leaving again only caused more of a distressed attachment from everyone else around her. In addition to her pre-existing trauma, living with an immature, overbearing mom who switches boyfriends like seasons isn’t the most soothing effect. One of the biggest societal challenges of this setting is the issue of racial discrimination. As a mixed-skin teenager living amongst inequality, this reflection causes more underlying problems in her life such as loneliness, craving constant validation and existential crisis. On a more fortunate note Ginny had finally made a friend named Maxine. Maxine also suffers similar complications to Ginny which not only makes them compatible but provides a different kind of social comfort. Although, this connection only causes Ginny to sulk more in her issues as she attempts to blend in with the crowd. Fast forward to a couple months later, Ginny meets a guy named Hunter Chen who later becomes her first boyfriend. Hunter Chen, also recognized as Wellsbury High School’s social media phenomenon, was always expressed as the nice, popular boy. When he wasn’t tap dancing down the hallways, being active on school grounds or working as student body president, he was calling or texting Ginny. They’re relationship had been everything Ginny dreamed of until her mind took an unexpected turn after coming across her best friend Maxine’s twin brother Marcus. Marcus Baker was basically everything Hunter was not. Instead of attracting crowds, he was avoiding them. Social events, more like barely socializing at home. His safe space had been in his own head and alone in his own room. Until, he had finally connected himself to someone that made him expand his safe space. After weeks of window climbing to and from each other’s bedrooms for late conversations, it was clear to the two of them that their relationship wasn’t only friendship but maybe something deeper. With the knowledge of her relationship with Hunter, Marcus confesses his true feelings for Ginny in the hopes of changing her mind. The irony here is that Ginny was unaware that this would be the deciding factor that ultimately led her right back where she started. And that’s the scoop on season 1 of Ginny and Georgia!
Great News! Another season is in the making as we speak! If the description above peaks your interest then you must start watching now to be all caught up for the next release! If you are a viewer who loves drama, teenage conflicts, romance, and mystery then this series is the perfect fit for you! As a personal Ginny and Georgia fan myself, I can honestly say this show does not fail to provide intense plotlines. So, take this entry as a sign to kick back, relax and binge watch! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thank you all so much for sticking around for all the Hot Topics of the year! I wish everyone an amazing summer vacation and happy watching!