Netflix Hot Topics: Fear Street

May 4, 2022
Welcome back to Netflix Hot Topics! I hope you all had a nice, relaxing Spring Break. We all know the first week back to school can be tough so I’m here to reward you all with yet another Netflix Hot Topic! Although, instead of our usual show series this week, I actually have a movie series for you all! So, without further ado, this month’s Netflix Hot Topic is…….. FEAR STREET! Fear Street foresees a group of teenagers who come face to face with the curse that’s been dismantling their town for over three centuries. With all efforts of lifting the curse subsided, it’s up to a group of local teens to unlock the true motive behind the haunting. All they know is one revolves around a convicted witch known as Sarah Fier, who was hanged back in 1666. Now, Let’s dive into some of the events taking place in the movie!
Fear Street is a three part movie series that takes place in the up town of Shadyside. In today’s article we will just be discussing part 1 in order to ensure there are no spoiled plot lines. Returning back to the movie, the story sets up with a group of teenagers expressing their terrorized lifestyles due to the series of mass murders taking place amongst their town, only the true threat has been right in front. These ancient evil attacks have been plaguing the town’s unity for many centuries. Deena, alongside her friends Sam , Kate and Simon are at a loss of their summer fun after the killers murder sprees approach their summer camp known as Camp Nightwing. Not only are they left fighting for their own survival, they are shown the unfortunate truth that not everyone can make it out alive. The ill-fated loss of a friend only speeds up the stopwatch following their own fate. With full determination of putting an end to Sarah Fier’s gruesome grudge against the town, Deena and her friends knew they couldn’t go after her alone. With their gathering secrecy growing more limited, the group confides in Ms. Berman, the only citizen in the town who has actually seen Sarah Fier. Ms. Berman’s news only brings them to more of a loss. She expresses how Sarah will not be easily stopped and is much more powerful beyond anyone’s knowledge. Just as the group thought it couldn’t get any worse they learn that their friend Sam was completely possessed by the witch. Sam’s only instruction was to put an end to her friends’ mission as well as their lives. With no way of reversing the possession, the teens were fighting against their own friend, who had known their every move. The only question is who will complete their mission first? Sam or Deena and her group? Now, let’s refrain from the group’s tragic journey and jump into some more background on how Sam’s possession happened in the first place! Sam had completely given her soul to the ghost of Sara by disturbing her grave, completely flashing her future life before her eyes. Ultimately she had become Sara’s main course of possession. The frustration of losing her beloved friend resulted in Deena’s attempt to drown Sam, hoping it would break the connection between her and the ghost. The end result of this attempt is yet to be discovered by whomever is daring enough to find out! Although, the story is far from over! That’s a wrap of Part 1 of Fear Street!
Overall, I highly recommend this movie series to anyone one who loves a good thrill. Between the jump scares, cliffhangers, and tragedies left and right, this movie never fails to impress. If you are one who enjoys detective work and cracking cold cases this movie is for you! All three parts can be found on Netflix under movie titles! Thank you all so much for tuning into this month’s Hot Topic! Have a great rest of your week and stick around next time for another Netflix Hot Topic!