Tori’s Tips – 4/16

April 15, 2022
How to make your high school experience worthwhile:
Every school year students dread the long work-filled hours, the sun being lost behind the clouds, and the stress that comes with being a student. Then while school is in session and a person is almost to the end, the longing for summer comes back and the motivation to complete assignments is lost. However, high school is more than work. In reality, it can be exciting and more enjoyable if someone chooses to make it that way.
Get involved
A lot of the time students feel that high school is not enjoyable because they only experience the work aspect of it. Yet, there are a lot of exciting things like clubs, sports, and general extracurricular activities. Many high schools offer a large number of clubs that students can join and various sports to participate in. Being a part of a smaller community, in a bigger school, can help an individual create new friendships and even find new passions. Having something to look forward to after a long day of work is a way for someone to make sure they get all they can out of high school.
Work hard, but take breaks
High school may seem like another step toward college and another year of learning the same curriculum materials, but it isn’t just that. Yes, schools want students to do their best in every class and have the best grades possible. This will not only help the school look good, but will help you have a better future. However, there is a time and place to take a break from the stresses of school. Not every part of high school has to be about work. It is okay to put off an assignment for a day or so, in order to get yourself back on track. Taking the time that one needs, to better improve themselves, is something that not a lot of people see as an option. However, it is and it also should be something that students do more often. Taking that short break can help a person in the long run and calm the scattered thoughts in their mind.
Don’t cut off your social life
In high school friends will come and go, but the memories will stay with you. If you only focus on work and schooling throughout high school, those memories won’t exist. So, go out with friends on weekends, go on adventures after school, and have a social life. If a student is always focused on work, they will miss the world around them. Thus, causing them to not have real world experience they need and instead only learn how to make a boat float with pennies on top.
Don’t get hung up on inconvenient things
With various experiences in high school, there are bound to be inconveniences. Many factors feel like they are important at the time, but will not matter in years to come. The negative rumors, the isolation from friend groups, or teenage drama will not matter after high school is over. So, do not let these factors consume you and make you rethink your entire life choices. One motto that I have is “If it is not going to matter in five years, do not spend more than five minutes thinking about it”.
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