Tori’s Tips – 3/5

March 6, 2022
Tips on how to make important decisions easier:
In life, people have to make many decisions that have great impacts on their future. Some of these choices are not easy and can be very difficult to make. This then causes an individual to overthink this decision, put it off for as long as possible, and try to avoid it. Yet, there are better ways to go about the situation that can make this a bit easier.
- Set a personal decision date
The important decisions in life usually have a “due date”, meaning that there is a certain point in time where one has to actually carry out the plan. Having this agreed time to come to a final consensus can be very intimidating and stressful. However, if you make your own due date, it will allow you to have every other step done by the time when you have to verbally commit to your choice. Creating a timeline for yourself can allow one to use their time in the most effective way. Gathering the facts, opinions of others, and allowing yourself the time to consider the different outcomes can guide one to making the right decision on time.
- Have all of the facts and information
The prominent choices a person has to make in life have major impacts on their future. With this important factor, it is crucial that one makes the right decision. This means that one has to have all of the information possible to determine what is best for them. Yes, one can get opinions from others and listen to someone discuss the possible outcomes to a decision, but it is not the most helpful thing. Gathering all of the information about the topic can help one to not only have a better understanding of what is being asked of them, but also allows them to have the ability to create their interpretation of the issue. Thus, they can have a thought process that forces them to view the decision through their eyes and not be persuaded by others.
- Allow yourself to fully take in everything
Making a decision that will determine your future is a big responsibility that can be very nerve wracking and stressful. So, take the time you need to make the choice. Obviously be aware of the time limit you have to make that choice, but do not feel pressured to give an immediate response when you are not prepared. This is your decision, which causes one to put themselves first. Taking a mental break from the situation, getting your mind off of the decision for a while, or even putting everything aside for a few minutes is very important. Trying to make this decisions shouldn’t consume a person, it should make them excited for the future. It is understandable for someone to overthink these types of decisions hoping that they chose the right path for themselves, but life is about making mistakes and learning from them. Your entire life has allowed you to come to this point in time, and you have the rest of your life to fix the many more mistakes you will make. So, take a deep breath and allow yourself to take the time you need.
- Consider what you want to get out of it
Many people have a tendency to make a decision without thinking it over because they do not want the pressures of dealing with the choice longer than needed. Though this is a quick and easy fix, it is not going to be truly beneficial in the long run. Not only does one have to consider the facts that go along with the decision, but an individual also has to consider why they are making the decision in the first place. A person has to truly ask themselves what they want to get out of their choice and the positive opportunities that come along with that. If one cannot find the light at the end of the tunnel with the decision they chose, then that is not the right path to take. Making the people around you happy is one thing, but with big decisions that will affect your personal future, it is important to consider yourself.
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