December Athlete of the Month: Sophia Santorelli

Max Druckman, Editor

Following her being named FTHS December Athlete of the Month, the Patriot Press sat down with wrestling sensation Sophia Santorelli.


First of all, congratulations!

– Thank you!


What sport do you play?

– I do wrestling.


How did you get into wrestling and what do you like best about it?

– Honestly, I didn’t even know I wanted to do wrestling until this year but Mr. Bane really got me into it and pushed me to do it. I don’t have a thing I like the best, but I do love learning because I didn’t know anything about the sport until this year so I do like the learning part of it.


That’s amazing that this is your first year!

– Thank you!


Do you have a favorite wrestling memory so far this year or a favorite match thus far?

– Obviously, my favorite match is my first one because I did get two pins and I got first place.


Would you say the most challenging aspect [of wrestling] is learning the new game?

– Yeah, it’s learning because while you’re in the match you can’t stop and look over and practice. I’m still learning so sometimes I get stuck in one position and I can’t get out or I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.


Do you have any pre-match rituals or superstitions?

– I usually just don’t talk and keep to myself to get my head ready for the match. That’s what the sport is about, using your head and where you want your body to go.


Any music?

– Not really, actually. I like to listen to everybody else’s matches before mine and what the coaches are saying because listening really helps me and watching.


So getting an idea of your surroundings?

– Yeah.


Do you have any favorite hobbies outside of wrestling?

– Outside of wrestling, [I play] soccer.


Did you have an inspiration to get into wrestling?

– Coach Bane, definitely. He really believed in me and put faith in me. I was so nervous to do it. I thought I was going to be the only girl, but then I got my friend to do it with me.


What do you like best about the Township wrestling team?

– The one thing I like the best is that the boys aren’t judgemental to the girls. I don’t think they’ve had girls [wrestling] here at Township but everyone was so welcoming.


So did that make it easier to get started?

– Yes. I don’t feel as nervous around them anymore.


If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

– I don’t have an actual state, but definitely out west and in the country. I used to live in Staten Island, which is in the city. It was so compact and I just need to get out of a compact area and have my own space.


Favorite school subject?

– Probably math for this year.


Congrats again, Sophia, and great job!

– Thank you!


Here are some of Sophia’s accomplishments from December:

  • Recorded first win in program history for a female
  • Earned a Gold Medal by winning the FTHS
    Tournament on December 28.

Here’s what Coach Heubel had to say about Sophia:

“Sophia is one of a handful of female wrestlers that have joined the program this year. She is a good teammate and role model to future female wrestlers. The hope is that she and her fellow female teammates are trailblazers in the Girls Wrestling chapter of FTHS Wrestling.”