The Beauty Buzz: 4/16/15

The Beauty Buzz: 4/16/15

Abbie Faith, Columnist



Dear Madame Patriot,

Prom is coming and I am as white as a ghost! What do you recommend for getting a good tan? I have heard that tanning beds are really bad for your skin, but they seem like the easiest option.


Painfully Pale


Dear Pale,

Getting tan is a hard thing to do because almost every option is bad for you. To answer your question, yes, tanning beds are terrible for you, so please do not ever go into one! Tanning beds use ultraviolet lights, which cause an increased risk of melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. Tanning outside is not much better, but the risks are increased indoors because the concentration of UV rays is so much higher in the beds. I prefer to get tan outdoors, because although the sun is harmful, my skin is not prone to getting severely burnt. Make sure that if you tan outside you always wear sunscreen because without it you are at risk for skin cancer and the exposure can cause your skin to look wrinkled and aged. The safest options for getting tan are without the use of the sun or UV rays. Tanning lotions are a great option for safe tanning. They are generally easy to use, but if applied incorrectly, can cause a streaky-looking tan. Make sure to exfoliate before using to eliminate the risk of splotchiness. You can also opt for a spray tan, which can yield beautiful results. Be careful to choose the right color though, so you don’t end up with an orange tint.


Madame Patriot