A Message For Students

Leah Emmerich, Editor

High school is weird… and so are you.

This is the time of every body’s lives where they start to figure out who they are,

and some, who they want to be.

Some want to be doctors and lawyers, others are still whining to their mothers about how it is “not just a phase” and how they are “an adult goth”.

And then there are those who have no idea what’s happening. Everybody knows at least one

person who just doesn’t know what they are going to do with their life.

Heck,you may even be that person.

Did anyone ever tell high school students that

it’s ok not to know what you want to do?

“Find your passion,” adults say, and then they pressure you with the classic line:

“If you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life.”

And then your stuck thinking,

“oh crap, does that mean I’m going to have to work for the rest of my life?”

Which is a valid thought, because there’s nothing you really feel passionate about. There’s

nothing that sparks your interest. You sit through your classes all day and never once feel that something is interesting enough that you want to explore it

for the rest of your life.

Which is ok. Because high school is weird… And so are you.

How about we start encouraging students to be themselves and find who

they are before forcing a career down their throats?

Teach students to love themselves and their bodies and teach them to be body positive instead of

handing them a stack of SAT prep books.

Teach students things that will bring them farther than any number grade ever could.

Don’t let that C on a math test define you, don’t cry about it. Look at it and think aboutĀ  all the ways you could improve. And if you can’t improve and you tried your hardest, thenĀ  good job, give yourself a pat on the back.

That C is pretty diddily darn good if you

put your 100% effort into it.

Stop pressuring 18 year old kids to decide which path they should choose for themselves while they still have to raise their hands to go to the bathroom.

High school is weird, and so are you.

Love the weird, embrace the weird.

Being weird isn’t a bad thing, it just means you’re


Embrace being a young and indecisive child, you’ll be much happier.