Staying Motivated in the Fourth Marking Period
Freshmen Ashlie Pitt, Victoria Varlack, and Kate Gaynor work diligently in Mrs. Lanza’s English class.
April 14, 2015
The fourth marking period is approaching fast and so are the thoughts of summer and a rest from school for many students. Around this time of year is when a vast majority of people begin to fall behind in school, because rather than being focused, their minds are set on the end of June. This doesn’t just effect seniors, but each grade can be seen struggling to trudge towards the end of the year. In reality, the fourth marking period is one of the most important aspects of your school year. It entails finals, wrapping up each class, and graduation for some. The smartest choice is to rise to the occasion and try your absolute hardest in the weeks to come.
For freshman students, the fourth marking period might not seem any different to them. They have never experienced finals, and have no idea what to expect. Often seniors applying to college look back and say, “I wish I tried harder freshman year.” The idea that freshman year doesn’t really matter is completely bogus and can affect your future if you slack off. Freshman students should listen closely to their teachers and peers when it comes to advice about finals and take them seriously. Finals are not just a test; they are basically an added marking period which can really change your grade for better or worse. Freshmen students also have a huge reward at the end of the year: they won’t be tiny freshman anymore! The struggle of being the most picked-on grade in high school is nearing a close, and that should be something to look forward to.
Sophomores are in a unique situation. While they already know what to expect in the fourth marking period and have a good amount of experience by now, they really have nothing exciting to look forward to. Junior year has a bad reputation when it comes to high school, and many sophomores are already stressed about the year to come. Advice for these students is that instead of focusing on how terrible next year might be, live in the present. Finish sophomore year the best way possible so that you will be used to hard work and stressful situations for when junior year does come. Some sophomore students might have also been experiencing a “sophomore slump”, where they worked hard freshman year but are feeling less motivated this year. Used the fourth marking period and finals as your ticket to boost your grades and GPA so that in the end, you have a final grade you are proud of.
Juniors have had an extremely busy year: SATs, rigorous classes, college visits, and AP exams are just a few aspects of what they have had to deal with. But in the end, a great award is awaiting the junior class: senior year. In only two months this hectic school year will be over, and senior year and college will be closer than you think. The idea that all the fun and advantages of being a senior are only a few months away should keep juniors motivated to finish the year strong.
Seniors are in the best situation for the fourth marking period. A majority of them have prom, class trips, and graduation to be excited for. Many seniors also do not have intense finals, because many have already completed their prerequisites and are awaiting college. While this is an exciting time for seniors, don’t forget that you’re still in school, and it requires work. Just because your all ready to get into college doesn’t make it okay to forget your schoolwork, which in reality is extremely important for you to move to college in September. All the previously mentioned grades are looking forward to senior year so don’t forget to have fun but also maintain responsibility.